Murder and Lies

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"No, it has to be wrong," I say into the phone.
"It's not wrong, Sweetie. It's his fingerprints." Delilah says.

"It can't be. He's dead Delilah, he has been for two years!" I sit down at my desk, reading over the report again.
"Well this murder was recent and it's his prints on her clothes. I ran them multiple times, Lyra, and it keeps coming up with him."
I let out a groan as I set the report down, "I'm going back to the crime scene."
"Bring Dan with you!"
"I will." I hung up the phone and got up, "Dan, come on, we're going back to the crime scene."
"What about me?" Rico asks.
"Find anything of Raymond's and go down to the morgue. Have Delilah run it against the prints. There is no way that it's actually Ray we're dealing with."
Rico nods as he got his stuff together, "Don't forget your gun, Daniel."
Dan rolls his eyes and let out a groan as he grabs his gun, "I hate that you know me that well."

Rico and Dan have been partners for years, even though they seem like they'd be unlikely to be able to work together.

Rico has a wild personality; Always wanting to jump into the action and do all that he can to catch the killer.

Dan has a more calm personality; Always taking things one step at a time and wanting to make sure everything is perfect before jumping into anything.

Just like their personalities, their looks were practically complete opposites; Dan has blonde hair while Rico has dark brown almost black hair, Dan has brown eyes while Rico has baby blue eyes, Dan is 6'3 and Rico is 5'7.
But, despite these differences, they still work really well together.
I joined the force about two years after they did, so by the time I arrived, they were already pretty close friends, but, like the good guys they were, they allowed me into their little group and helped build me up.

Rico softly chuckles at his partner's antics. "I'm not hearing a thank you."
Dan rolls his eyes again and mutters a quick thanks before turning to me, "Ready?"
We get onto the elevator and leave to head to the crime scene, aka Greenwood lake.

Greenwood lake was a place that I avoided (just like most places in New York City) because of the memories it holds –It was as if the wood of the dock was nailed in using the memories of Ray and me–. It wasn't far from the precinct, so Dan and I arrive quickly, but while it's not far, it's not the easiest place to get to. The entrance was a small path off the side of the road, that if you weren't paying attention, you'd drive right past it, but if you wanted an easier entrance, you'd have to drive about another hour out, so it was easier to keep our eyes peeled for the entrance, plus it was helpful that the path was a clear shot to the dock. Since cars don't fit down the path, we park next to the entrance and start our short journey. The yellow tape stands out drastically from the greens of the path, so it wasn't hard to see this was a police zone. We quickly make it out to the dock, the wood now stained with the blood of the poor girl who was killed, but it's still just as full of memories as before. I took a shaky breath in as I stare out at the water, a memory slowly slipping back into my mind.

Raymond and I had spent many hours at the lake together, talking nonsense and unwinding after a hard workday, but this time had been different. He had told me that he had something special he needed to give me and that he thought the best place would be at our special dock on the lake. He made it very clear that he didn't want me to have my phone or wallet in the car, which confused me but I ignored it because Ray was the most trustworthy person I've known. That's how I ended up in the car at 3 am on Tuesday night, sitting by the entrance to the lake in leggings and a gray American flag t-shirt that he loaned me, waiting for him to tell me I can go in.

5 minutes later, he sent me the text saying I can go in, so I set my stuff down in my center console and got out of the car. The path was safe but covered in leaves and branches, which made it an even more private place for us.
He was sat on the edge of the dock when I arrived, his mind somewhere else.
"Ray?" I stepped out onto the dock and smiled as he looked at me, "I trust that this isn't your ploy to murder me and take over my spot in the precinct."

My Kevlar Surrounded Heartحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن