Chapter One

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I've always been a firm believer in, there is no time like the present. What is the point in sitting around waiting for something to happen when we always have the power to make it happen ourselves? It's a theory that we are only as strong as our weakest link and we always happen to be our own weakest link 
"Mumma! I've been thinking" I called into the house as I walked up the path
We'd been attempting to plan our annual mother daughter road trip for a month now but neither of us can find a place that we haven't already visited 

That's one of the biggest things mum and I have in common, travelling. We don't ever go abroad, god imagine that? That is well outside out budget
One day we will though, I'll make sure of it

"Mum come on, I know this morning I left abruptly but like I was-" I started before stopping up to see Uncle James stood in the living room with 10 other men
"Uncle James? what's going on?" I asked my eyes darting between all of them
"Tesoro, we need to talk" James answered, the moment those words left his lips my eyes narrowed

I didn't like this, I didn't like any of it. I don't know what was going on but I wasn't blind to know it wasn't anything good
Looking around the room, I knew none of the men in front of me and I didn't really want to learn about them or who they were
I want everything to rewind, I don't, I can't do this

"Where is Mum Uncle James?" I asked, I watched his movements shifted from one foot to the other, he never got nervous in fact Uncle James has be the one person in this little family that never worried about anything 

I shook my head at him before turning on my heels to look through the house, if he wasn't going to give me the answer then I was going to find it myself
"Mum!" I called but even after the 5th time there was no answer
The more rooms I looked through the more empty handed I became, until I ended up back in the living room
"James I've been patient enough. Wrap this up" A voice said making me narrow my eyes at the figure peering over James' shoulder
"I don't care who you are but speak to him like that again and I swear to god I'll-" I started before James shook his head at me silencing me 

"Aria, this is your father" Uncle James said bowing his head
I looked between my Uncle and my 'father'. James' Brother I presume, I mean after all they look pretty similar
But this new guy was definitely older, grumpier and looked menacing. Not something I want to get involved with

"Where is Mum James, when is she coming home?" I asked avoiding the newest problem at hand
"I don't know Tesoro. That's why your Dad is here, you need to go with him until we figure out what is going on" He explained making me shake my head
"You're all idiots if you think I'm going anywhere. I'm staying here until I speak to Mum" I warned them all looking at each man individually
"I haven't met you in the entire 18 years I've been alive and we certainly don't need you now" I said pointing at my 'father'

"Show some respect Aria" He answered and I shook my head
"Respect is to be earned and you sir, haven't earnt anything but a door slamming in your face" I reminded him but he stepped forward 

"I let you mother do whatever the hell she wanted with you while you grew up but your not a little girl anymore Aria, it's time you started acting like the Bianchi you are" He said narrowing his eyes at me
"I'm a Johnson, not a Bianchi" I said stepping forward
"No, you are not. You're my daughter, Aria Bianchi. The only Princess of the Italian Mafia and it's about time you starting fucking acting like it" He warned me grabbing a hold of my wrist, the longer he squeezed the more attention he drew to us making James appear at his side

"She gets it Antonio. Let her go and she'll go with you to the Academy" James warned him before looking at him
"Aria please just listen to him okay? When I find you Mum I'll bring her to you and she can explain further but for now please just behave" He asked but I shook my head
"You are delusional if you think I am going anywhere with him!" I yelled pushing myself further from Antonio's grip 

"Go and pack your shit Aria. For fuck sake" James yelled back making my jaw drop a little at him, he's never and I mean never.. Spoken to me like that


This entire thing screamed toxic, it screamed danger. I don't deviate from plans, in fact I can't stand the fact that Mum isn't here to give me the much needed advice I need. Instead I'm being pushed into the arms of some old man claiming to be the Father I was told walked out on my mother while she was pregnant

"Tesoro" A voice said making me look up from the suitcase in front of me, stood leaning in the doorway was Uncle James again. I didn't have anything more to say to him, nothing good at least

"Please, hate me if you want to Aria but give this place a chance. Your Father is going to make sure you are taken care of" He said coming to sit on the bed, he tapped the spot next to him motioning for me to sit down
"Where is she James" I whispered looking up at him after hearing a heavy sigh leave his lips 

"I don't know, if I did things would be very different right now Aria and you know that. Just please for me, keep your head down. Do as you are told and give this a shot" James offered wrapping an arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him
"You are a Bianchi, you always have been. This isn't something your mother and I should have hidden for so long but you're too innocent for this lifestyle" He whispered hugging me tighter 

"Don't let anyone play you a fool Tesoro. There is only one birth princess and you earned that title the day you took your first breath" James said making me pull away to look at him

"But what does that mean James? I don't understand" I whispered 
"You will in time I promise. But for now the less you know is for the better Aria. I'll check in with you as often as I can and-" He started but I cut him off

"You'll bring her home?" I asked, James took one look at me before nodding
"I will bring her home to you Princess" He replied 

This room was the room I grew up in, the place where I spent more hours laughing and playing then I ever did crying
This house has seen me through everything and the people who would regularly be invited in were deemed family 
But now? Now I have to pick up and move, leaving behind everything I've ever known

"You are going to do great, you are born for this and when this is all said and done Aria, you'll be exactly who you are supposed to be" James said before taking a stance

"Aria Bianchi, Welcome to the Family" He said watching as my eyes softened

The Queen and Her KillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz