Step one you say we need to talk

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POV. Owen Hunt

I rush out of the ambulance repeatedly blowing air into the pen that I am intubating the patient with.
The doctors lead us inside and start intubating the guy with a bag. One off he doctors, a plastic surgeon with an arrogance problem, keeps criticising me for using a pen. I explain why and keep asking about the procedures. After we walk out that room a woman with black curly hair is coming to treat my leg. I try to tell her that I'm fine but she insists to do so after I fail to get a Neurosurgeon to freeze a paralysed patient to make him walk again.

After some talks with doctors and a coffee I walk out to get some fresh air to see the woman, that stitched my leg, on the ground with an icicle in her stomach.

I look over her and chuckle, „Damsel in distress."
Then I pick her up and carry her inside.

We, the doctor I found out who's name is grey, argue with her about how we should treat her.

After another coffee break I walk back Into the room were the doctor the icicle is being treated. I lean over her and look her in the eye. Then I pull out her icicle.

I Stich her and give her a shot of cefazolin I-M. Then we talk about trauma medicine and making mistakes. After finishing up with her wound and talking to chief Webber about the job offer he just gave me I close the blinds and look back at Christina Yang.

„What?" she asks.
I take a fast step over to her and kiss her roughly.
After a quick exchange I leave.

I walk out of the hospital but before I can call a cab a woman calls for me.
„Owen!" she shouts. I turn slightly to see her walk up to me dragging a teenage girl behind her.
„Owen Hunt" she says looking up and down at me.
„You haven't changed since the last I saw you 13 years ago!" I look at her trying to remember who she is.
„oh this is so like you! You don't even remember who I am! We slept together! and this is what you gave me!" she says shouting at the girl behind her.

I Realise what she means.

„I'm sure this is all just a misunderstanding! I would have known that!" I say.
„Oh no you wouldn't have! I told you I was on the pill. turns out I forgot to take the pill that month! You can do a paternity Test if you'd like but she's yours and you can have her! I cant deal with her anymore! Maybe she could use some of that military treatment! But I sure as hell can't take her anymore!" she shouts pushing the girl in my direction.
I take a second to look at the Girl and process what the woman, I still don't remember her name. Just said.
She has red hair and blue-green eyes just like me.
Could it be?
She tries to hide that her mothers words are hurting her but I am not surprised they are hurtful!

„Whow just settle down and take a second!" I try to calm the mother down.
„I have done 13 years of seconds she never stops! She's a brat and it's your turn to deal with her! This is all her paper work! You're her father your just gonna have to do some of the legal stuff! My number is on there if they need my permission! They have it I don't want her anymore!" she says giving me a map of papers.  Than she turns around.

„You deserve nothing less than a crappy orphanage! You should be forever grateful I'm giving you to him!" she spits in The girls face while turning to leave!
„Just wait we can figu..." I try to say but she walks away saying something about how it's my turn now and she can't do it anymore! Then she gets into a car and leaves before I can say something else.

The girl is just standing there. She does look like me.

„Okay we're gonna figure this out just can you tell me your name first?" I ask her not knowing what to do. That is really rear for me because in the field you just gotta do the first thing that comes to mind but there I nothing coming to my mind right now.

„Marie Emily." she looking to her feet.
„Okay Marie let's just go inside. For now ok?" I ask her.
„Mhm" is all she says. I lead her inside thinking about what to do. The only thing I can think of to clear everything up is to do a paternity test. Since we're at the hospital I can just draw blood and find out.
I walk Into a room where there is no one inside to not draw attention since I wouldn't know how to explain any of this.
„Is it ok if I draw some blood from you to then do a little paternity test? Just so we can clear this up." I ask.
„Sure." she says. So I draw some blood and then do the same to myself. I am so shaken up I can't seem to get it. Then doctor yang walks in.
„Oh I didn't know your still here! Who's this?" she asks.
„It's... a Long Story!" I don't wanna explain it all.
„Oh I'm just possibly his daughter that his psychopathic one night stand just shoved in his face!" Marie says. I'm shocked. she seemed so quiet and shy. Yang looks confused too. „Wow! Well I see your trying to draw blood to test it?" she asks. „Yeah but I can't do it!" I say. „Here let me help you!" she says and sits down next to me taking the needle. She sticks the needle into my arm carefully. Then she draws my blood and closes the vial. „Here you go!" she says giving it to me. „Thank you." I say nodding.
„Not a Problem!" she says walking out. I take hers and my blood and send them in for a test telling her to wait for me.

I get a coffee hoping that it'll calm me while waiting for the results. Those test just take about 10 minutes to get back to you. I mean I always wanted a child but I didn't want to find out like this.

„Major Hunt? They have your results!" the nurse at the reception calls for me.
„Thank you!" I say and I walk over to get them.
I take the envelope and walk back to the room we're I left Marie thinking that it wasn't such a good idea to leave her alone not knowing if she'll run away.
I open the door finding her sitting there. Thank goddess she's still there.

I look into the envelope not wanting to stretch my nerves even more. Positive!

Owen hunts daughterWhere stories live. Discover now