To Luke's luck, Calum wasn't in this class too so he had one less class to bear the two lovebirds being all lovey.

Personally, Luke didn't mind Calum and admitted that he was a nice, attractive lad. But Calum and Ashton at the same place at the same time, that made him want to burst.

Before he could even process the fact, he gripped his pencil that hard that his knuckles were turning white, the pencil breaking shortly after. A few glances were set on him, but the blond didn't care. He was always tense when he thought of Calum and Ashton together.

The all too famous bell rang, signalizing everyone that the lesson was about to start. Seconds later of the sound, the door opened once more and an elderly woman Luke despised very much, as much as the subject she was teaching, stepped in with her usual book bag, a white blouse, her horrible signature pencil skirt that went up to her ankles matched with those awful loafers that always made Luke scrunch up his nose. The student looked to the empty seat behind him and sighed quietly before turning back to the blackboard, twirling a new pencil in his slender fingers.

"Good morning class." The woman greeted everyone enthusiastically, her British roots evident in the accent she carried in her voice. While she was talking, Luke zoned out and stared out of the window, taking in the actions happening outside of this boring inside. To be honest, watching pedestrians with either snapbacks or sunglasses to hide from the intense sunlight which was not covered by any cloud since there were none in the clear blue sky, wasn't any better.

Luke felt a presence moving closer to him with the chair next to him. Assuming it was the annoying Fred who was grossed out by Madison, the girl who sat on his right, Luke didn't mind and placed his chin in the palm of his hand.

A cough interrupted his inner peace and the blond sighed, knowing that Fred wanted to talk to him. So without further ado, Luke sat up straight and turned to Fred, only that it wasn't Fred.

"Ashton?" Luke nodded slowly, not comprehending what was going on. Looking around, he spotted annoying Fred sitting next to Marshall, some guy he occasionally saw in the library because apparently he worked there sometime for extra credit. From the distance it looked like the two were in a deep conversation.

"Yeah, that's me." Ashton chuckled warmly which made Luke's heart beat faster. As much as Luke hated him, 1. Luke wanted Ashton back and 2. Ashton's laugh brightened up everyone's day. It was a goddamn fact.

"I mean, what are you doing here?" Luke defined, adding some hand gestures to visualise the whole situation. Then it clicked in Ashton's mind.

"You were daydreaming again, weren't you?"

"I was not daydreaming!" Luke scoffed, "I was simply... thinking."

"And watching people walk on the pavement. Whatever you say then."

"Just get straight to the point, Ashton."

With that, Luke raised a brow at the curly headed who held his gaze. As if Ashton was looking for something in Luke's eyes, he still kept quiet. Moments later he opened his mouth and licked his lips, his green eyes still piercing into Luke's blue ones.

"Everyone had to team up in groups of two and we have to hold a presentation about a specific country and the role of it during world war II. Everyone was quick and you were still sitting and dazed off, so I decided to be here. Besides, we're friends so everything's fine, except you have a problem with me-"

Sick of Ashton's (cute) rambling and also cringing when he used the term 'friends', Luke cut him off by putting a fake smile; "Yeah! I mean, I don't mind at all."

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