chapter 6.

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"You're taking this way to serious, Beth." He groaned as the brunette held yet another black band tee in front of me, imagining him how he would look like in it.

"Nope, not this one." Bettina declared and tossed it into the growing pile of clothes.

"I don't see why you're making such a big deal out of this." Luke sighed, taking the black leather jacket from the girl who held the piece of fabric at him.

"You know how much I like to make outfits. Nope, take that jacket off it makes your shoulders less broad..."

After what had seemed like centuries for Luke, Bettina was finally done with his makeover.

"Spin for me." Beth ordered, adding hand motions for him to follow. Unenthusiastically, Luke did as asked and once he was done with his slow spin, Bettina gasped full of pride, proud of her achievement.

And there stood Luke, dressed in his usual black, ripped skinny jeans, worn out vans in the same color paired with an ACDC muscle tee and to add more color, Bettina forced Luke to drape a jeans vest over the shirt, leaving his arms naked.

"You make it seem like it's a big deal." Luke snorted and scrunched up his nose as his friend tried to dump all the clothes scattered on the floor back to the closet.

"If you go to Hard Rock Cafe, you go there with style. And it's clearly obvious that I have an amazing taste when it comes to style." The brunette joked, throwing her brown hair back.

Luke raised a brow at her, taking her appearance in from head to toe. In fact, they were nearly twinning, with their denim and band tees, but the only exception was that Beth wore a loose denim jacket that looked a little oversized at her yet she rocked it, so as Luke thought.

"Are you done yet?" Bettina raised a brow at the guy, placing her right hand on her hip.

Luke blinked a couple times before he stuttered out a "What?"

"Are you done checking me out?" The brunette girl defined her question, still waiting for a reply.

"What? No, please-" Luke cut himself off once Bettina let out a scoff. "Let's just go, okay?"

"Whatever you say." Bettina mused and took the lead, being the first one to be downstairs.

Thank the lord Liz wasn't in the house, otherwise she'd pester the two friends with so many questions they'd probably be an hour late for the date.

"I need to know something, though." The girl stated as they walked down the sidewalk, all the way to the bus station. "Why do you want me there? I get it, his friend is there, but care to explain why? And don't tell me because his friend wants to get to know you better because we all know that's the worst lie ever."

"Can you not just do anything for me without having the need to question the reasons?" Luke retorted angrily. Maybe asking her was a bad idea after all, he thought.

"Well I'm sorry. I just don't wanna be pushed into the middle of a drug deal issue!"

"Now is not the right time to be sarcastic, Beth."

"I was just trying to loosen up the mood." The girl sighed and let herself fall on the wooden bench as the two of them waited for the bus to come.

"Bettina, that's not what I meant- I- This is so messed up." Luke stuttered and claimed the seat next to his friend, holding his head in his hands. "I'm sorry, it's just-"

"It's just that you're nervous? Okay, I'm fine and seriously, you didn't have to apologize. Everything's cool." Bettina waved it off with a flick with her hand and smiled warmly at the devastated teenage boy who seemed to be in his mood switching phase.

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