Ben 10 Deku Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

Ochaco's POV:

          We had been pushed out by the other students to guard Thirteen I think, from the ground I saw that thing gather itself. Then he kind of phased himself and the next thing I knew he had flown into Thirteen. I saw her body struggle for a moment as it looked like an internal battle, "I have you," a whaspy voice spoke from her as the body stood still. 

          "No you don't," her voice said as we saw his intangible form fly out of her body to be caught by that guy the mist guy called Khyber. 

          "I got you," he said in an almost reassuring way. "Now what were you able to get?" 

          "Her mind is quite strong, but I did find out he overworked himself this morning so he would be late to class." the ghostfreak said in his whaspy voice. "I need to get out of this form," he said then he reached up to his collar and barely pressed causing him to revert back in a flash of red light. 

          "Send us back to by Tomura Kurogiri he needs some rest before the big guy comes here," Khyber told the mist man who obliged and they were gone. 

          "Now's our chance," I told the others and we began to work out a plan.

Izuku's POV:

          "What's wrong with him?" Tomura asked Khyber as we returned. 

          "He got a headache from reading a strong mind," Khyber told him as he reached into one of his pouches and pulled out some pain killers for me. "Here you go little one," I took them immediatly. 

          "Why are you so nice to him?" Tomura asked him. "He's just a tool for us to use." 

          "While that maybe why he was made that doesn't change the fact he is the only successful attempt at creating this swiss army nomu you wanted." Khyber defended his actions, "Besides I am his keeper so I can treat him how I see fit!"

          "Eh, whatever." Tomura said as he went back to watching the teacher that jumped down. "30 seconds," he said. "45, 20, 30, Get him ready again so he can attack Eraser." 

          "What is our goal with this one," Khyber asked him. 

          "To crush that hero," Tomura responded softly. 

          "I think I've got the right one then," Khyber said then he whistled. Immediatly in my head I could tell the command and mentally I chose the transformation they wanted, Fourarms. My collar buzzed and I felt it, my muscles expanding and multiplying. I grew to around the same height as Khyber, I lost a finger on my hands it merging with one of the others and then muscle and bone grew from underneath my arms forming two new ones. I grew another set of eyes and my skin turned into a deep red color finishing off my transformation.

 I grew another set of eyes and my skin turned into a deep red color finishing off my transformation

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          "Great now get him Nomu!" Tomura shouted at me. As was typical of this transformation I really wanted to fight initially I wanted to fight him but I received a shock so I set my eyes on Eraserhead. I rushed forward and began to throw a multitude of punches at him. 

          "You heteromorphic types never learn," He taunted me. "Just because I can't cancel your quirk doesn't mean you have the win in the bag." He wrapped his binding cloth around one of my arms immediatly I threw a punch at his head which he dodged, right into another punch. "Damn there goes my nose." I pulled him in close using his binding cloth against him and proceeded to punch him multiple times eventually rendering him into a crater in the ground with many broken bones. 

          "Well done Nomu, I still am not seeing All Might though." Tomura said walking up and squatting down to view my handywork. "Hm," he looked over to the shipwreck zone, "Maybe if we kill some of the students he will show up?" With that he rushed over and touched a green haired girl that resembled a frog. When he touched her I expected that she would begin to crumble to dust when she didn't Tomura gave off a soft chuckle. "HaHaHa, Erasurehead you really are cool!" He looked back and I looked down to see Eraser looking at him with his quirk active. "Nomu pin him and force him to look away from me." He said coming back over and when I did what was asked he grabbed Eraser's shoulder and started decaying it.

          Out of nowhere, as usual, Kurogiri appeared "I am sorry Young Tomura but a student was able to escape and get outside" He said calmly. 

          "Damn it Kurogiri if your weren't our warp gate I would disintegrate you right now." Tomura responded. "I know, Khyber force him to change to a form with fast regeneration." 

          "Hey don't take your anger out on him..." Khyber said trying to defend me before he was coldly interrupted.

          "Either he suffers or you do!" Tomura shouted at him, with that Khyber looked at me sadly and whistled. 

          I keeled over in pain, it was always easier to change back then transform again then shift between forms. All of my body felt like it was being pierced with shards of incredibly strong crystals, I felt as two of my arms retracted along with two of my eyes. when the change was done I was on the ground in a form I called diamond head.

          While I lay on the ground Tomura grabbed one of my arms and began to decay it

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          While I lay on the ground Tomura grabbed one of my arms and began to decay it. Once it was gone he ordered me to regenerate it and then he did it again, and again. It was then that a loud bang sounded from the top of the stairs. Tomura looked up excited, "You got off early Nomu since we need you to fight this guy." He told me and let me get up onto my feet.

          There was a whoosh and just like that all of the cannon fodder as Tomura called them were knocked out. "Everything is fine now," a booming voice said after bringing the injured Eraser and the students to the stairs base. "Why? Because I am Here!"

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