Game time

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Today, we had an away game. I opted for a Wizards sweatsuit since it was a rainy day, and comfort was key. After returning home from the last game, Lyna and I didn't have much opportunity to discuss our interactions with the players. 

I was packing my bag and Lyna walked in she was ready to go just waiting on me. That's when we had the long awaited discussion.

"So, what about you and hmm... you know who?" she said, and I couldn't help but smile. I didn't know where these feelings were coming from, but boy, oh boy, I was in deep.

We need to hurry up and catch our plane. I'm never driving to Atlanta, no way," I said, grabbing my bag and heading out the door. "So you're going to avoid the question, fine then," she remarked, following behind me and locking the door. "I like Teague, but he embarrassed me so bad," I started, but she immediately cut me off. "What about Beal?" she questioned as I put my suitcase in the trunk of the truck. "What about him?" I asked, pausing to look at her.

Lyna, clearly thinking she was on vacation rather than a work trip, wore a sundress and wedges, her hair slicked back into a ponytail. "You like him," she stated as we began making our way to the airport. I glanced out the side mirror, watching cars pass by.

"Do I really?" I closed my eyes briefly. "How about you and Wall?" She giggled initially, then showed me her phone. "Aww, you guys have a date coming up. I love this for you," I exclaimed. "Girl, I knew he had a thing for you when we first met him." 

"Girl, he's smitten with the idea of having me as his personal physical therapist, you know what I mean?" she remarked confidently. I rolled my eyes playfully, but deep down, I was genuinely happy for her.

"Honestly, I'm going to stick with my gut; dating a ball player screams trouble," I declared. We left the conversation untouched until it was time to go through TSA. Finally at the airport, she turned to me. "Okay, one last thing. I think you and Beal will make a great couple. Girl, you better claim him before he gets away."

"Double B 3 is not mine," I sighed. "Well, he ought to be, because you're giving him cute-ass nicknames. Just think about it, he's right there," she said, teasingly. I quickly ran into the crowd, making my way onto the plane first.

"Damn, Jordie, slow down! I was joking," she called after me.

During the game

I was engrossed in my computer when I heard the door open. "Hey, doc," Beal greeted, causing my heart to skip a beat. "Double B 3, how did you know where I was?" I asked, startled. He pointed to the door, which bore the inscription: Washington Wizards Clinic, Attending Physician, with my full name. "Anyways, I asked around and found where you were hiding. Do you have any Advil? My head is killing me," he requested. I turned around to the cabinet behind me, feeling his presence close behind. His hand found my waist, and he reached above my head to retrieve the Advil.

I felt like I was crumbling inside; he was too close, and I couldn't move, speak, or even breathe properly. Once he backed away and removed his hand, I quickly returned to my computer. "What are you working on?" he asked, now peering over my shoulder at my computer, completely disregarding personal space. I managed to slip out from between him and the counter. "Patient confidentiality. You can't look at my files," I replied, feeling a rush of relief as there was now space between us.

Lord knows I have bad eye contact, especially with him. He was very attractive, and I needed a way out of this situation, but I couldn't just leave the clinic. "I have to go find Lyna," I said, walking towards the door. I stopped in my tracks when he spoke.

"She went and got a ticket," Beal said, now standing in the doorway of my workspace. How did he know where she was? That was beside the point.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for the game? You're not even dressed," I said, noticing he was engrossed in his phone.

He looked up from his phone, suggesting, "How about we go out or something after the game? I think ATL is the hottest place for a party." I sensed he was on the phone, so I walked past him back to my seat, patiently waiting for an injured body to attend to.

"Doc—Jordan, just call me Jordan," I interrupted him. "You going or not?" he asked me. "I thought you were on the phone," I replied, turning to my computer screen. "I'm talking to you obviously," he said, sounding a little irritated.

"Well, excuse me," I retorted, looking at him, and he smiled. Deep down inside, I was crying with happiness. I smiled back, letting him see that for once.

"You should smile more often, Doc. I mean, Ms. Jordan," he said as he left, and I got up and danced. As he walked past, I stopped and giggled to myself, feeling a flutter of joy in my chest.

"Where are you, Lyna, when I need you?" It was the 4th quarter, and the Wizards were up by 2. I grabbed my stuff and stood in the archway, watching the last intimidating 24 seconds.

As the clock ticked down, Pierce hit a 3-pointer. By the last second, I was jumping and screaming. When the players came in, I made sure not to look at Double B 3. I didn't want him to know I liked him, at least not just yet.

So, I found Lyna and spilled everything. "You're going out with him!" She started dancing around. "But how? I have no way to contact him, and he never told me the club or address."

"Stop tripping! Just get dressed. If we don't meet up with him, we can hit up another club," she said, dancing once more.

"But I only packed professional clothes," I sighed, massaging my temples. Lyna playfully slapped my hand. "That's a habit, but I'm not wearing your 'party shit.'"

"Why does it have to be 'party shit'?" she asked, crossing her arms. "I don't know, I guess I'll be fine wearing that," I replied, feeling uncertain about my outfit choice.

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