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"Hey, are you heading to the game today?" Lyna's voice rang out, filled with anticipation.
"Sort of, I'm working," I replied, a smile playing at my lips. "You gonna see if you can get me a ticket?" She teased, and I couldn't help but to roll my eyes.

Coming from the bathroom , she plopped down on my bed while I was laying out my clothes for the day. "I'll get you a ticket if it'll make you feel better. You know I just started not too long ago, still surprised they hired me. Also, I need you to behave if you come, especially since I put in a good word for you to become my assistant."

I met Lyna during my freshman year at Howard University. She was my roommate then, and still is. We both majored in Human Performance (B.S.)- Sports Medicine, and from the very first day of Kinesiology we clicked and became best friends. During a challenging time in my life, moving to D.C. without any family or friends nearby, Lyna stood by me through thick and thin, supporting me at my lowest moments and celebrating me during my highest.

After finishing undegrad, Lyna pursued a career as a physical therapist, while I took on part-time roles at a gym as a personal trainer. I got into Howard's medical school after graduation, and juggling work and school wasn't feasible for me. After a few years of obtaining my MD, networking at the gym led me to a physician position with the wizards. A recommendation opened doors to a whole new world for me.

Returning to the conversation. "First, it was school, and now it's work. You're always focused on something, Jordan. When are you going to let loose and enjoy yourself? How about you get cute, join me for the game, and have fun for a change? It's not like someone get hurt every time, and hey, if they do, Dr. Jordan's got it covered!" With a laugh Lyna sauntered on. Leaving me contemplating her offer.

I rummaged through my closet, pulling out my Wizards shirt, ripped jeans, and nude red bottoms pointy heels. After throwing them on, I sat down to do my makeup and flat iron my hair. Glancing in the mirror, I couldn't shake what Lyna had said. Since I was young, there had been no room for error; fun always came after the struggle. My father's warnings about teenage pregnancy had instilled deep fear in me, one that lingered even in adulthood. I was scared to have a child, let alone a boyfriend, viewing them as distractions from my career. I hadn't taken trips, and my money just sat in the bank. With only one true friend, my life felt mundane. Was getting this degree really worth it.

"I'm ready! I exclaimed, stepping out of my room and into the living room area. "Lyna, you ready?" I could hear her bustling around. "Yeah...damn girl, you're channeling your inner Rihanna when she sits courtside at the games," she remarked, eyeing my outfit as she emerged from her room. I glanced down at my attire, thinking, "I think it's pretty casual. Yeah, the heels are a bit dressy"

Hopefully, when I'm 'working' it's all smooth sailing. But truth be told, it tough juggling work while being a die-hard basketball fan. Half the time I'm at the arena , I'm sneaking a peek at the game on my phone from the back. I'd rather much be on the sidelines soaking up the action than stuck behind the scenes, waiting for an injury.

Lyna drove us to the arena well ahead of the 5:00PM start time, ensuring we avoided traffic. As we passed the lively crowd gathered outside the arena, it was evident that playoff fever was in full swing, causing heavy traffic. Making our way to the employee parking area underneath the arena, we prepared for an exciting game ahead.

Once we parked, we stepped out of the truck and headed inside. Making our way to the courtside seats, Lyna couldn't contain her excitement. "Girl, I asked for a ticket not the best ticket!" She exclaimed, jumping up and down before enveloping me into a hug. "Sis, there are no lines right now. Let's go grab some food and drinks," she suggested, already eager to leave. "We can order down here; they'll bring it," I added. Lyna face lit up in surprise as she sat down, trying to contain her excitement without screaming.

An employee approached our seats,  and we placed our order for popcorn, nachos and cocktails.  As the game was about to begin, little did Lyna know, I only snagged courtside seats because ATL was playing today, and I had my eye on someone special.

We watched them warm up, shooting the ball around, and to be honest, I was keeping my eye on ATL. That boy Teague was a beast, and one oh his connections a was actually the reason I ended up in this position. However, I decided against going with ATL because, for one one, I didn't want to feel like I owed anybody anything for putting me on, and besides, I never even considered dating a ball player. That said, Teague has been trying to reach out to me, and I'm not sure if I'm fully interested.

When the line up for the Atlanta Hawks was announced, they were met with a chorus of boos from the crowd. Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to hear his name amidst the commotion. However, his presence immediately caught my attention. There was something about him I just couldn't shake- he exuded confidence and charisma, knowing full well he was a great player. It was clear he had a full roster of admirers, and he carried himself accordingly.

As the second quarter rolled around, I found myself taking selfies with Lyna. The liquor had loosened me up, and when the Wizards scored, I couldn't contain my excitement, jumping up, dancing, and even playfully hitting Lyna. Basketball just brought out that wild side in me. It was during one of these moments that I caught the gaze of one of the players, whom nicknamed Double B3, wearing #3. He glanced at me briefly, but I didn't think much of it at the time.

A few moments later, amidst my yelling "what are ya'll doing?!" Teague turned around to face me , flashing a smile and a wink. Initially, I assumed  he was acknowledging that my team was losing and oh perhaps he had a hand in it. However, Lyna started elbowing me, insisting, "I know he did not just wink at you. Girl you better wave or something." I mustered a small, barely noticeable wave, and he smirked in response. Inside, I was going crazy, but I tried to play it cool by casually glancing at my phone, pretending to be "unbothered".

"Girl you a mess. I can't even go to the game with you. These players are breaking their necks for you," she teased. "Says the girl who was flirting with Tony earlier," I resorted. "Who's Tony?" She asked innocently.

"The guy who took our order. But no time to chat, I need to focus on the game," I replied, and she rolled her eyes. "Don't make me bring up Tony," she pouted, then flashed a mischievous smile. "Lyna!"

The announcer over the microphone yelled "time to turn up the volume and show the opposition who's boss! Get loud and proud D.C. our team needs your support!"

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