Quater 2

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Wall drove towards the center and drew a foul. As he made his move, an opponent shoved him to the floor, and another person stomped on his hand. Pandemonium erupted; I've never witnessed such chaos before

The intercom summoned me: "Jordan Mitchell! Report to the floor!" Startled, I leaped from my seat, joined by Lyna. Suddenly, the security guard intervened, exclaiming, "You need to leave the court immediately; it's against the rules." Swiftly, I retrieved my badge from my bra and presented it.

The moment he released me, I dashed towards Wall dragging Lyna with me because technically she wasn't an employee yet. He lay in pain, halting the game entirely, with one of our key players potentially sidelined for quite some time.

Standing beside Wall, I observed the agony in his eyes, prompting me to kneel beside him. "Can you all lift him into a seated position?" I requested. The players stared at me with puzzled expressions, murmuring low comments like, "Who are they?" and "How did they get past security?!" Regret washed over me; I should've listened to Lyna and dressed more professionally. My current attire, far from appropriate, surely wouldn't go unnoticed on ESPN.

Teague approached, his demeanor signaling trouble. "She's the doctor," he declared, disregarding the team's annoyance. "Why are you here? There's just a bunch of random people showing up today," someone remarked. Ignoring the distractions, Teague got straight to the point. "Jordan, why haven't you returned my calls? You've been avoiding my assistant. What's going on?"

The situation was escalating rapidly. "Seriously? I'm at work," I retorted, frustration mounting as they struggled to get a golf cart to transport Wall off the court. Teague's embarrassing inquiries only added to my discomfort; I just wanted the night to end. "Get him off the floor," I insisted. Beal and Nenê lifted Wall. 

Lyna accompanied them to my examination office. Glancing at the coaches on the sideline, their stares felt like a searing gaze. Addressing Teague, I uttered, "If you thought now was the appropriate time to ask me, think again. Don't ever contact me again; you may have jeopardized my job." Without waiting for his response, I hurried to the back, leaving him with a parting word.

"Is he going to be okay?" echoed repeatedly as I entered the room. Taking a deep breath, I swapped my heels for Crocs, tied my hair up, and donned my white coat. After washing my hands, I began examining his hand first.

"He's coming back, right, Doc?!" the players behind me exclaimed, but I was quickly drawn back to attention by Wall's cries as I applied pressure. "I'm Dr. Jordan, and this is my... assistant. I'll be taking care of you. I'm going to give you something that will help with the pain," I assured him calmly.

He swallowed the pill, and I swiftly placed an ice pack on his hand. "I need you to keep your arm raised above your heart for me, okay?" I instructed, to which he nodded in agreement. I busily searched through drawers and counters for the materials I needed, moving quickly to attend to him.

"I'm going to apply this splint to your hand after wrapping it. It might be uncomfortable, and you'll need to wear it until you regain full control without any pain," I explained as I wrapped his hand. He nodded understandingly. "Additionally, you'll need to attend physical therapy for your hand, so you'll have to rely on your left hand for now. Besides that, the pain from the fall is nothing more than a bruise," I added, providing reassurance.

"These your friends?" I asked, noting Beal and Porter's presence. Initially annoyed, I realized it was halftime, explaining why they were still around. "Yeah, they're my best friends, my guys!" he exclaimed enthusiastically. Understanding the halftime break, I engaged in conversation with them, aiming to keep the atmosphere relaxed.

"I've never seen doctors dress like you," I overheard someone mumble under their breath. "Excuse me, and why not? I do my job the way I like," I retorted, meeting their gaze. They chuckled sheepishly. "My bad, shorty," Beal apologized, but I wasn't amused. "Do you think this is some sort of joke? Maybe next time, instead of staring at me, you'll focus on hitting a 3 tonight," I remarked sharply. Wall burst into laughter at my response.

Beal's facial expression shifted instantly after I made that remark. "What number do you have on your back?" they asked. I removed my lab coat, revealing #3—Beal's number. "So you're a fan?" he inquired, flashing that charming smile. His smile was simply irresistible. "Nah, I couldn't find my Pierce one, so I threw this old thing on," I replied with a grin. They all chuckled at my response.

"That's hilarious! Oh my god!" he exclaimed, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. He was adorable. "I'm just kidding. I can't deny a good player when I see one. All I know is, we need a win," I said with a smile. "We? Who's 'we'?" Nenê interjected as he walked back in. "Wow, you're tall?!" I blurted out, then quickly regained composure. "Um, sorry. So, who is 'we'?" he asked again.

"I'm a Wizards fan like you all; it's just that I don't play. I handle the players, making sure they're in good condition. I also support," I explained. Rolling my chair over to my purse, I prepared to retrieve something.

"I know, we see you, hear you, Doctor. The cameras even caught you and your best friend" he remarked knowingly. I interjected quickly, "my assistant." 

"Where did the company find fine ass employees, cause last year, I don't know I would have gotten hurt this year."  Beal mumbled

"When they drafted a few fine ass players" I mouthed to Lyna who was standing next to me and she laughed and I forgot Wall was sitting right in front of me. I quickly nudged her elbow as I realized Wall had heard exactly what I said.

"She's alright," Beal added, while Porter remained silent, as did Lyna. "Are we done here, Doc?" Wall asked. "Yeah, but you'll have to watch from the sidelines. No games yet until I clear you," I replied, returning to my original attire.

Lyna and I exited before them, and I glanced back. "And you guys keep watching. Good luck, boys" I smirked, before returning to my seat as the crowd applauded at seeing Wall was okay.

As I settled back into our courtside seats, I caught Teague's gaze. There was a glimmer of hope in his eyes, a silent plea for forgiveness. He mouthed, "I'm sorry."

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