"Girl, let me get out of here before I fall into temptation."

"You can sit up. I'm done with you." She chuckled.

"Thank you Julie."

I officially leave for my tour in six weeks and I'm getting some of these self care things out of the way. I went to a stylist yesterday to cut my hair and get a silk press. My hair has been in several protective styles for the past year. After I took my cornrows out, I loved how full it was but I decided to chop it down from its shoulder length. It now aligns with my jaw line. I love shaking my short bob. Since I can't put it a bun or ponytail, I put a headband on to push it back when I'm at the gym.

I could have gotten Tae to do it, but he's been a mess since the blowup with Shawn. He's canceled all of his bookings and has been stuck on my couch ever since.

I also did my nails earlier today, I've been falling in love with the almond shape with chrome. I know my nail tech is happy because she was tired of doing so many frenchies every day.

Right now, I'm heading to Dennis and Karin's crib to pick up baby Halle. She is the cutest and so calm. She looks just like her daddy. I'm babysitting for the night, so they can go on a little date. When I got there, they couldn't wait to get me out of the house.

On my way home, that's when I remembered that I wanted a sub from Publix. It might be a hassle getting this car seat out of the car, but I'm not leaving in the car even if the A/C remains on.

"Call from Dewayne's Momma." The system announced from the CarPlay. I pressed the pick up button on the steering wheel.

"Hey Nicole."

"Hi Momma D."

"What's going on with you and Wayne?"

"Nothing, why?"

"Well, he called me crying that he said something out of turn and you got upset with him. He doesn't know what to do."

"What is Dewayne talking about? You can see how your son can be a drama queen. I was getting a wax and I told him I would call him back when I was less busy."

"Jesus, that boy is crazy. Please don't pay him any mind. He needs to act like he's got some sense. I'm so sorry to have bothered you."

"No, you're fine. I'll talk to him. How are you doing by the way?"

"I'm good. I'm going to Cancun next week."

"Yasss! Live your best life."

"I am and I will. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just missing your bread pudding." I smiled.

"You know what? I'll bring you some when I get back. I need to see you before you go on tour."

"Sounds good. Let me know when you get back."

"I most definitely will. Take care."

"You too. Bye."

Dewayne has officially lost it. Let me call him.

"Hey Nic."

"Don't hey me. Reporting me to your Mom is real childish."

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