I cannot explain this reaction

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I wanted to stay at chans place but I needed to talk to jeongin

It seems like he didn't listen carefully enough and needed to be reminded that he's messing with the wrong person

Chan came back in

He was about to kiss me again when I spoke up

„Sorry chan, I need to go home, jisung needs my help"

He pouted

I went closer to his ear and wishpered

„But we can end what we started next time"

I buttoned my shirt and left

On my way I called jeongin with an unknown number

„Hello?" he answered

„I said I would do awful things to you if you don't obey, seems like you didn't take that to heart now did you?"

„H-hyung please I wasn't talking about you I swear"

„No, I know that you called chan after you left, what did you tell him?"

„I-I just told him that I accidentally said your name and that I meant another person"

„I don't believe you"

„P-please leave me alone, I wont do such things ever again I promise"

„Well, you broke both conditions at once, you told him about it and met him, tsz"

„I won't do it again really, please don't kill me"

„Don't be silly, I wouldn't kill you, now shut up and you better behave now"

I hung up

I went home and did some homework till I fell asleep


*next day*

Today was a good day I woke up and had the smell of pancakes in my nose

I love when jisung makes breakfast

It makes me feel like as if I'm 6 again

I looked at the clock



I ran out of my room

„Good morning lix"


Jisung laughed

„Jeez calm down, no our teacher is sick don't worry, we can eat in peace"

I let out a relieved breath

We sat down and ate

„The news told about the students at our school that are suspected but they didn't say names luckily"

„Oh man, what if no one of our school even did it? Like they're only searching here, but the killer could be anywhere"

Jisung nodded

„It's so fucked up, they start to actually look into what happened and who actually could have done that, I mean come on, no way someone from our school would murder someone and even do it IN the school like?"

I agreed

It doesn't even make sense

„Thanks for the breakfast mate, let's go to school now"

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