Back In Alfea

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Farah/Reader & Emily/Reader:

Reader PoV:

As I walk through the magic portal, releasing my magic hold on the dead burn one body, letting it drop to the ground, I close my eyes inhaling deeply, God I have missed the smell that is Alfea, I'm home, as I open my eyes I see all the colours, the reds, yellows and oranges, Autumn has always been my favourite time of year.

Looking around, I recognise the area almost straight away, so I know exactly where I am, I'm about a mile just outside the barrier that surrounds the Alfea school, I haven't step foot back into my world in ten years, already my memories that I had long try to forget, come flooding back, good memories of being a student here at Alfea when Rosalind Hale was still headmistress, being a soldier fighting in the war against burn ones, and of course that day at aster dell eleven years ago, as I let myself think about aster dell, the memories of Miss Farah Dowling start to flood my mind.

I know I had let myself think about her back in the warehouse, however I had controlled those memories, now being back here, standing so near to where I know she is, the nearest I have been to her in ten years, the urge to walk through the barrier and up to the school, walk straight into her office just so I could see her again, I mean I got the perfect excuse, what harm would it do?.

I would simply walk into the school, straight up to her front office, informing her assistant that I request a meeting with Farah as it was a matter of some urgency, after saying our hellos, I would calmly explain the situation and what had occurred in the first world, before once again saying goodbye and walking out of her life again forever, just like ten years ago, no not like last time, it was Farah who walked away from me, so like I said no harm done, except my heart getting broken all over again.

Just than a message come through on my phone, it's from Emily informing me at I need to get back there quickly as JJ and Derek had arrested our killer, I message back telling her I need a few more minutes, before going into my locked phone contacts with all the numbers of Alfea, numbers like Solaria palace, both my old Alfea and the Solaria army contacts, I consider for a moment to get in touch with one of my old army mates, however I hadn't spoken to any of them since I left ten years ago, so it didn't feel right to call them now and ask for help, I thought about calling the palace to try and speak with Queen Luna, However I know how that would go, I would get the run around for about an hour if not more, before being ask to make an appointment.

I knew I had no other choice, I had to call Farah, I look at my watch, it's gone seven, she is most likely in her office doing paperwork, that's if she's even still the headmistress, I have no idea, taking a deep breath I call her office.

"Miss Dowling office, how may I help you?" A young man's voice asked me.

"Hello young man, I am special agent y/n, I work for the FBI in the first world, I don't have long young man, so please listen carefully, and to tell no one what I'm about to tell you apart from headmistress Dowling herself, do I make myself clear?" I ask him

"Yes, ma'am, though Miss Dowling is still in her office, I could get her for you, if you like to hold," He tells me.

"I do not have time to be put on hold, just inform Headmistress Dowling, that I was attacked in the first world by a burned one, I manage to kill it, I brought it's body back here to Alfea, I'm a mile outside of the barrier, not far from Mr and Mrs Whites farm, I would like to request all information about recent burn one attacks and how long they have been back, I will also be going over as many police report for the last six months from the first world to be on the safe side, as I'm hoping this was a once off, can you do that for me?" I ask the young man.

"I will tell her right away special agent y/n, also ma'am I'm not sure how long you have been living in the first world, but no one has seen a burn one in over eleven years," he informed me.

"What is your name?" I ask him since I hadn't asked his name.

"Callum," he tells me

"Thank you for all your help, Callum, I hope Farah isn't making you work too hard," I tell him, using her name for the first time.

"No, she isn't, I enjoy working for her, please tell me to mind my own business, but are you and Miss Dowling friends? As not many people are allowed to call her by her first name," Callum asked me, he seems very nice.

"We were a long time ago, I need to go back to the first world now, thank you again for all your help," I tell him before hanging up the phone, I let out a breath I didn't even know I had been holding, I take another quick look around at Alfea, before opening up the portal, stepping back through it, back to the first world where Emily was waiting for me.

Farah's PoV: 

I was sitting at my desk with a nice pot of warm tea, doing my paperwork so I could go home, as I am hoping to finish my book this evening, when all of sudden I get a chill, I lift my head looking around my office, I'm alone there is no one else here, I look at the photo that sits on my desk, it's a photo of myself and y/n, I haven't seem or hear from her in ten years, I understand why, I did break her heart after all, that doesn't stop me from missing her terribly every day, I sometime think about calling her, I never do call as I don't have the right, just then I hear the phone in the front office ringing.

Callum answer's the phone, I cannot hear what he is saying, I don't even try, so I just go back to my paperwork, within minutes there is a knock on my office door, it's most likely to be Callum, "come," I call out, I don't look up, however I know it's Callum from the scent of his aftershave.

"Sorry to disturb you, Miss Dowling, however I have an urgent message for you," Callum tells me, I drop my pen, looking up at him. "I just had an special agent y/n from the FBI in the first world on the phone," my heart stopped at hearing her name, I look at the photo of us again, that chill I had felt was her, she's back in Alfea, my love is back, I think to myself before looking back at Callum.

"What's the message?" I asked wondering what could possibly be so urgent, if it was that urgent surely, she would have asked to speak to me, despite our past.

"She, said that she was just attacked by a burned one in the first world, she also informed me that she was able to kill it and bring it back here into our world, just by the old white's farm, your farm now, she had requested information on recent attacks, I told her there has been no attacks in years, she also wanted to let you know, that she is going to look into police reports from the last six months," Callum inform me, I take a minute to absorb all the information, before jumping up out of my chair.

"I hope you told her to remain with the body," I ask him as I put my jacket on.

"She said she needed to get back to the first world," Callum tells me, I try not to let myself get too upset.

"Callum, lock up and go home, talk to no one about this, not until we know more," I order him as I take my phone out to call Saul," Saul, we have a problem," I tell him as I practically run out of my office.

To Be Continue;

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