Getting down to business

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This chapter deal with children kidnapping and sacrifice, there is nothing gruesome i promise, "Y/n means your name and L/N mean last name.

Reader PoV:

"What?" Farah, Saul and Ben all said in unison, making me stop dead in my tracks, I slowly place my bag back down next to my chair, I sit up straight again in my chair, I share a knowing look with Queen Luna, I than look towards Farah who had a look of pure shock on her face, I turn away from Farah and look towards Saul and Ben who had the same looks upon they faces.

"You didn't inform them?" I asked looking back at Queen Luna.

"I can appreciate that you of all people, might understand the seriousness of this situation and discretion is of the most up of importance," Queen Luna says, she didn't need to really tell me, I knew, "That why the rest of you will not mention a single word about this and what is said in this room stays in this room, do I make myself clear?" Queen Luna ordered them, once again Farah, Saul and Ben said yes in unison.

"How long have the attacks in the first world been happening? I only looked back over the last six months? Also has any of the attacks happened anyway else in the world or is it just in some parts of America? I also haven't had the chance to look at any international investigations that might have been related to burned one attacks," I question Queen Luna, I than made the mistake of glancing over at Farah, who now had the look of pride on her face.

"The attacks in the first world began just a little over nine months ago, however there also have been burned one attacks here in our world as well, that started a year ago, these attacks we thought to be nothing more than isolated incidents, especially since the attacks were a month apart and in two different locations, that's how we were able to keep it quite, it was only when I had first gotten the report of an attack in the first world that I began to suspect there was more going on," Queen Luna took a pause, before reaching into her bag that sat on Farah's desk beside her and pulled something out.

"To answer your other question, all the burned one attacks have been within America, however I do fear that might change and very soon," I don't like the sound of that, not one bit, "around two weeks ago, my royal guards got to a location that we believed a burned one was being transfer through a gateway into the first world, unfortunately my guards didn't get there in time, however they stumble across this, as it looked like who is responsible for these burned one attacks left in a hurry," Queen Luna explain to me as she handed me a small brass coin with a weird symbol on it, I knew I had seem that symbol somewhere before.

"Wait, I have seen this symbol before, did we come across it in the war?" I asked Farah handing her the small coin, our fingers brush up against one another ever so slightly, making my magic wake up with electricity humming throughout my whole body as my heart jumps into my throat, how had that happened? I was still wearing my gloves, one look at Farah told me she had experienced the same sensation with her magic as well, fuck! Our magics were trying to reconnect, I pull back my hand so fast like Farah had burn me.

Farah looked hurt by my action; however, she seems to brush it off, than when about studying the coin, I watched her studying the coin, I watched her body language and facial expressions closely, her body was tense, her breathing was normal, she had a look of concentration on her face.

"No, I don't believe we came across this symbol, I don't recognise the symbol, never seen it before," Farah tells me, handing me back the coin, I take it from her, making sure that we don't touch.

"I know I have seen this symbol somewhere before, I just cannot for the life of me think where i have seen it," I tell Queen Luna, once again searching my memory.

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