Demigod taehyung had his head lowered, his limbs had no will to stand on his bones. His white glassy body bleeding where the cuts had made, God looks at him, and scoffs... He doesn't know if the man even heard the verdit.

While the lover of Demigod stands at a little distance from him, chained up and bleeding , but appearing more stronger then him.

The God stops in front of Jungkook, he stares at him a tear of hurt slipping his eye.

Demigod Jungkook now looks up.

"I would never do this to you both— I'm God of Love, and I know what you did was never wrong. "

Jungkook gives a broken smile.

"But I promise, I used my verdict well, I was forced by the superior God's I'm sorry. Nothing can apart two people who love each other with there souls I promise. Find a way you coexist and you will "

Jungkook jerks up he tries to be all and hold the Gods hand to plead him to leave them and take the curse back. But instead the jailer snaps the leather whip on his bare back, making him whimper.

"He is a God!!!!! Don't you dare, you foolish man"

The God looks back at the hunched man,

"I'm protecting you both, I hope you understand me. I hope you find a way where you both Will coexist!! Where you both will live a life together"

Jungkook cries his eyes mourning for his lovers pale body.

The God sniffs as he walks away with pride leaving the two lovers on floor reaching out for each other warmth.


Taehyung writes the scripture with his Quill as he stares at the beautiful green garden and the trees filled with pink cherry blossoms from above the sky. He smiles a little at the little butterfly spreading it's colourful beautiful wings out of the cocoon of threads.

The world is so beautiful, the same world which is in making, which would be the best creation to ever made. A place of lives, a place were people would breathe to live, a place where hate would never paralyze your heart.

It took him years to create a life, a sense of hurt elopes his heart when he remember at the cost he had to create this world. It was a curse.

He was cursed for loving a soul with same gender as him.

He was a demigod, he knew what it would take for him to love, but how can you change the feeling of love in your heart? It can't be changed.

It can't be replaced.

Be it God or a mere human.

Divinity Taehyung had made his nights his gloomy days and had continued creating the every little detail of the human land.

It's been 5 years, but the wounds still stings fresh.

The torment, the tears, the feared eyes and heartbeats eradicating with love.

He had lost the only person he had ever loved to the heartless and oh so evil hearts of Gods.

The only time he remember last he held his lover in his arms and cried till the sun had went down and poured back the other day again.

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