Allister meets Giritina

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The Raven-haired boy was flying around Motostoke in a flying taxi as he saw a get black needle bolt across the sky. Something told him that he should go to check it out. "C c can you land please." Allister asked quietly."                                                                                                                                        "You sure kid? Your stop isn't for another 30 minutes." The driver asked gruffly                                        "Yes p please." Said Allister

As the masked boy landed, he started to trek up the hill. He heard cries from up above and felt the hurt of this pokemon in his soul. After a few minutes, Alli started to feel extremely tired. He couldn't stop now though, he had to help this pokemon no matter what. His pokemon where trying to help the young boy, but Allister refused, he had to not rely on his partners so much.

After an hour of climbing, Allister  got to the top, he saw a grey and black curved pokemon. It's red eyes, while usually glowing brighter than any light, where dull and faint. A soothing cold feeling swept over the god and got back up.

"Human, I thank you. I could've been in serious danger if it was not for your noble deed."  Giritina told the gym leader                                                                                                                                                "Your welcome s s sir, I was doing the bare minimum." Allister told the ghost                                            "There is something special about you boy, your pokemon trust more than anything yet it seems you don't trust your self. Battle with your partners and I shall allow you to catch me for helping me today." The Ghost lord proposed.

"Go Runerigus! You can do this." Allister encouraged his ally                                                                              The lord used shadow force which left the stone ghost with barely any energy left, despite this he could get back up and used 3 shadow sneaks quick as a bolt. Giritina was able to dodge a shadow ball and fainted the Runerigus with a shadow claw.

After a while, Allister had one pokemon left, his ace gengar. "My last pokemon, how lonely, how frightening. Gengar, use dark void and hide in the darkness. Gengar, using all of his strength used dar void and then 7 shadow claws, winning the battle.

"Human, your loyalty and kindness to your pokemon shines through in battles, catch me."               "Thank you, g girintia sir, I promise I will treat you well." Allister promised the god, luxury ball in his hand. He threw it. First roll, 'Perhaps he was lying'. Second roll 'Maybe this is all a sick joke'.     Last roll, 'I am probably not even a good trainer'. Giritina was caught. Allister let Giritina out of his ball and they flew home, the gym leader on the ghost's back. A boy and his pokemon, the unbreakable bond.

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