Chapter 21: A Perfect Test for a New Weapon

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Red bolts were shot out, by this point the Venators were close enough that the majority of the blasts hit their mark and given the sheer number of blasters, the now-defenceless ships were battered with rain upon rain of fire!

Grievous let out a maniacal laugh at the display, I simply clasped my hands together. I felt no remorse for them. The Jedi knew what they signed up for when they agreed to serve the corrupt Republic, and the Clones were, well, Clones.

Eventually, one of the ships began to break apart in a series of explosions, chunks of debris flew all over, some of it even crashed into the other ships. A second followed shortly after, more debris flew all over.

As the final Republic ship fell though, I noticed a series of Escape Pods jettison shooting out into the surrounding rubble just in time as the vessel exploded. A snarl escaped me in anger, but I knew it wasn't worth getting too frustrated at. There were precautions for this.

Image of an Escape Pod:

As we watched the rubble from the bridge, Grievous turned to Dooku and asked "Another successful test, wouldn't you say Count?" Dooku just stared at us before saying "We must keep our position secret

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As we watched the rubble from the bridge, Grievous turned to Dooku and asked "Another successful test, wouldn't you say Count?" Dooku just stared at us before saying "We must keep our position secret. Send out the Hunters. I want all of those life pods destroyed." His eyes narrowed as he said the last part.

I bowed and said "It will be done." I turned and walked over to one of the consoles, it had a speaker that acted as an intercom of sorts for different areas of the ship. I went over and pushed the button for the hangar before speaking into it. "Deploy the Pod Hunting team!"

Shortly after the order was given, we saw the ship depart off into the debris. The Pod-Hunting team consisted of a squadron of B1 Battle Droids modified with Jetpacks and blowtorches. All on board a Droch-Class Boarding Ship.

Images of a Droch-Class Boarding Ship and a B1 Rocket Droid:

Images of a Droch-Class Boarding Ship and a B1 Rocket Droid:

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Teams like this had been especially equipped to deal with breaching Escape Pods

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Teams like this had been especially equipped to deal with breaching Escape Pods. In nearly every test we'd run so far there would be at least a few pods in need of clearing up. That's why I had confidence these Droids would get the task accomplished.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Dooku spoke "Y/N." Turning to him I saw he just stared down at me and I'll admit, I wasn't expecting his compliment "I'm impressed. This is a fine vessel you've crafted, just as I'd ordered."

 "Thank you Count." Was all I said before I turned my attention to look at the see of debris. I had an uneasy feeling at the moment. I didn't know why, all previous tests had gone flawlessly.

We'd just have to wait for the Pod-Hunting teams to return and we'd move on...

Author's Note: And that's it for this chapter. I originally wanted this done yesterday but I was having Wi-Fi troubles, so sorry for the wait. I hope you enjoyed it and as always, thank you for reading.

Glory to the Confederacy (Star Wars x Male Separatist Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora