"Look if you're here to yell at me or call me a shit sorcerer and blame me for something I didn't d-"

"I'm not here for that. I just want to see you, Just like I wanted to back at that prison" She cuts you off.

"So you did come to prison to see me?" you ask.

"Of course I did. I wasn't going to stop fighting until they let me come see you" She says, making you feel relieved. You are somewhat glad to know that she isn't here to blame you but you also don't know what may come out of the conversation that you're both about to have.

"So. How did I end up here?"  You ask her awkwardly.

"The day that you were supposed to drink the vial-- you remember that right?" she asks before continuing. You nod your head yes although you vaguely remember that.

"Vaguely" you say to her.

"The plan wasn't actually for you to drink the vial. We did it to throw them off because we knew that they were listening " She says.

"So what was the actual plan?" You ask.

"To make it short, we distracted most of the guards, Nobara waited in the Van and Inumaki knocked everyone in the prison out" She says.

"He knocked them out? all of them? how? You say shocked.

"When you have his cursed speech technique life is much easier" She smirks.

You both giggle a little bit and it feels amazing. It feels like the first few times you guys laughed together at the beginning of your friendship . It felt nostalgic and sad in a good way, and the tension seemed to begin disappearing.

"...Maki, I'm not going to lie to you.. I don't remember a lot of what's happened, I feel like I'm all over the place and.." You sigh trying not to cry "..I just don't know what the fuck is going on, I feel lost and just ignorant to whatever has been happening" You sniffle.

"Hey, it's okay" She frowns.

"It's not okay.. I'm being accused of treason" You say still in disbelief.

"And we are going to prove your innocence y/n" She assures you.

"Let's hope we can, because I don't think I can survive that place again" You say remembering the times you would get beaten over and over.

"I know. I can't begin to imagine what you've been through, But you're safe now and we're going to do whatever it takes to prove your innocence" She says.

"Yeah and take down Sukuna" You add.  Because it's true. You have every intention on exorcising that mother fucker as soon as you get better.

"Yeah, but for now let's just worry about making sure we prove everyone wrong. Okay?" She tells you.

"Yeah.." You say in thought. 

"Did you ever... Doubt my innocence?"  You ask her suddenly.

"No" She answers right away. "Never. But I did want to be the one to ask you face to face before picking a side.. so here's me asking, Did you know who Sukuna was when you started sleeping with him?" She asks you.

You don't take it personal, she had every right to ask these questions and most importantly she had every right to doubt you in the past even if she never did.

"I didn't" You tell her, and even though she already knew the answer that's all she wanted to hear, and what she's been dying to hear for the past 2 years.

"That's the answer I expected" She smiles.

"I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. For sticking by me no matter what. I owe you my life Zenin" You  sob out when the tears start rolling down your cheeks.

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