
'Action!' The Director screams.

Watching her best friend kissing her cousin is a NIGHTMARE for Upama.

Sometimes, she mentally slaps herself for writing too many kissing scenes in her novel. But then who knew? Her novel will break records and end up making a movie. Who knew her best friend will play the main character and her cousin will play his love interest?!

If she could act, she would've stayed in her sister's place and kissed her best friend. It doesn't feel good to watch her cousin's lips on her best friend's lips. She hates how their lips are wet with each other's saliva. She hates how their bodies are pressed. She hates him kissing someone else, even though she is her cousin.

From now on, She'll reduce kissing scenes. She swears to Dear God-

If you are confused, yes, She is a novelist, a curly who loves her best friend who happens to be a famous actor and currently he is acting as the main character of her novel. Her cousin, Tess happens to be an actress and playing Karan's love interest.

Yes, one sister is in love with him in real life and, another sister is in love with him in reel life.


Her life is absurd.

'Cut!' The Director screams again, bringing her back from her other world. She really doesn't have the power to sit and watch her man kiss someone else.

'My house. Tonight.' -Upama

After leaving him a text, she finally can run away from there. She'd rather watch twilight than watch him kissing someone else.


'Heyy!' He sits on the couch and rests his head over her shoulder.


'I want to surprise you.' He gets up and their gazes meet. His eyes are filled with... mischief?


'Close your eyes.'


'Close. Your. Eyes.' He literally used spaces for those three words.

'Fine Fine.'

As soon as she closes her eyes, she feels a cold splash of water over her face.


'KARANNNN!!!' She screams and he laughs.

He really loves to make her scream. His mischievous soul finds heaven when she screams. She is going to kill him someday-

Before Upama could hold Karan's wrist, he runs away and hides somewhere. She slowly moves, eyeing everywhere cautiously. She sluggishly makes her way to the fridge and picks a cold bottle.

While she is opening the bottle, Karan pours the whole damn bottle of freezing water on her head and then bursts into laughter. Soon she turns around and throws water over his body.

The battle begins...

He wipes his eyes using his hands. But when he opens his eyes, Upama is not in his sight. He picks another bottle and seeks her around the house. He looks over every place but she is nowhere. Soon enough, he hears a giggle behind his back and smirks. He turns around and finds Upama holding a bucket of water. Her eyes are mischievous just like his.

Before Upama could throw at him, he takes her wrist and pulls her closer which causes the whole water in the bucket to fall over both of them, leaving both of them full soaking.

She playfully glares at him, 'Ugh- you made me fully wet.'

'YES. I DID.' He seems like he is proud of himself. After all, he won the water fight.

'I'm going to change.' As soon as Upama turns and moves to go to her bedroom, she loses her balance and almost slips over water.

Karan saves her from falling by placing his arm under her waist. Well, he tries to save. His attempt to save her ends up breaking his own balance and he falls over her body.

Their faces are a few inches apart. Not too far- In another way, you can just say they are breathing the same air right now. Eyes are wide opened, lips are apart- They are close enough to see minor details of each other's faces. An unknown rush of ecstasy runs through their veins. The water drips down from his face making her face wetter. Coincidently, their legs tangle with each other.

May or may not both of them close their eyes and leans a little more at the same time-

May or may not Upama lets her fear go for once and dares to kiss the man she loves.

The tip of their noses brushes with each other. Just a little more-

Suddenly, Karan's phone starts ringing which causes both of them to come out from their little untold world. They both felt something special. But, they will never talk about that special unknown feeling. Maybe those feelings are meant to be unspoken?

'Excuse me' Karan slowly mutters.

'No worries' Upama smiles at him. He runs to his phone and picks it up. While he was talking, Upama decided to go and change her wet clothes.

As soon as she closes the door. She walks in front of the mirror and observes the mirror as if the cure for her pains is hidden behind the object. She unbuttons her shirt and keeps her gaze settled on her reflection.

A thousand thoughts are running through her mind. Yeah, she is a writer of the romance genre, she wrote a hundred love books since her teenage. Yeah, she described love in many languages. But, why everything is overwhelming her now?

Why the word 'Love' is messing with her? Just 4 alphabets but enough to raise a storm in her heart.

She can remember, years ago, she wrote these lines in her story without even realizing she'll relate them one day,

''Love feels wonderful. Love is beautiful. Having someone who will always hold you in the dark and in the light is a blessing. But why there is always a defenseless feeling which keeps every unspoken word away to be free? A great man, in reality, told us that, 'Love is only for the brave.' And, yes, It is.''

Every time, her heart wants to set those three words free, her tongue ties. Every single defenseless thought gathers and makes a ball of insecurity and ties her tongue. Why do her feelings love to stay a secret and she is dying to keep them a secret without even realizing it-

'Upama?' Karan calls her by knocking on the door.

Upama shakes her head and wipes her eyes and slips a T-shirt over her body.

'Yes?' She asks as she opens the door.

'I'm sorry, I have to leave. It's important.' His eyes are telling a different story and his mouth another- His eyes are pleading to spill something and his mouth is not letting them.


'Nah, don't worry, Actually, your uncle, my management's boss just called me. I have to go.'

'My uncle? Tess's dad?'


'Oh okay. Go. Drive safely. Good night.' Upama acts like she is not disappointed.

'Same, Ms. Good Night.' He walks out of the house.

Upama sighs, eyes are hurting, and so does her heart. She brings out her secret journal and pen.

Page 45.

'Wish I could freeze this moment in a frame and stay like this
I'll put this day back on replay and keep reliving it
'cause here's the tragic truth if you don't feel the same
My heart would fall apart if someone said your name.'

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