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Hi everyone. Last week was the best week of my life yet. I had a lot of fun inside. I was sent inside to basically awake and spice up the game of each and every contestant. Well I don't know if I have done my job correctly, guilty if not. Guilty because I kinda did it knowingly. Shall I tell you all a secret? I had accepted the proposal of going in only to pull off the masks of a few contestants. I know I was biased towards TejRan all the time, because they were all that mattered. I whole heartedly admire them and just can't bear their sad faces. I also wanted them to realise their flaws in their relationship, I hope I've played this part well. I tried to pass all the wishes and advices of  the TejRan fam to them. I don't know if I'll ever meet them anymore, or will they ever search for me after coming out. I'd still will them all the best in life.


Finally I'm up with the epilogue. Well firstly, I was busy with life, secondly, I was procrastinating everything. Literally everything. Now that the epilogue is here after a lot of demand (3-4), I've also thought of working on the post BB scenarios. Lemme know if you guys would like to read it. And please comment down if you are an existing reader of the story.

Thank You,

TejRan And Her- Realisation Of FlawsWhere stories live. Discover now