Continuing on my adventure I saw a pair training against a wild boar.

"Ahh it hurts! Kill me now I might as well die!" The man shouted as he fell to the floor holding his bits.

"You don't feel pain. It's a game." The other man said but this time sounded more familiar.

'Kirito? Didn't expect him to be here of all places.'

     Walking forward I noticed how the two were so preoccupied the surrounding boars have already respawned and became aggressive towards them both. Not that Kirito couldn't handle it but im not gonna let him get all that exp for himself.

     Running towards the two they look over to see me push Kirito out of the way of a boar and I managed to kill it quickly.

"Watch it-" Kirito began but stopped once he realized who he was talking to. "S-Shinsei?" he asked me.

"Hey Kirito, sorry to push you but we have a problem..." I say as we look out to see the surrounding boars very unhappy with us.

"Wait were in the zone? I thought the zone was further out!" Kirito said.

"Well they must have moved it!" I shout as I kill 2 more boars.

"What zone?!" The other man in red asked while holding back a boar of his own.

"This zone is where all the boars get aggressive in, basically a trap for new players!" I say as now half the boars have been defeated.

"Well what are you waiting for lets go!" The one in red shouted while running.

"New friend?" I ask Kirito as we stay close to the other.

"Heh I guess you can say that." Kirito says as he scratches the back of his head.

     We finally make it somewhere safe...after a lot of boar killing. We rest on a cliff as we relax watching the first sunset of the game.

"I can't believe it.. were actually inside a game dude!" The red head said.

"You've never done a full dive uh... you?" I say since I have no clue what his name is...

"Oh im Klein, and no this is my first dive so cut me some slack." He says with a grin.

"It's not that big a deal, its just a game." Kirito said as he stares into the digital sky.

"Well I got lucky by winning one of the 10k games of the first release, but you two.. your 10x luckier. You guys were beta testers! Only 1k got the chance dude."

"I guess." I say and Kirito agrees.

"Hey I was wondering, how far did you guys get? Ya know during the beta." Klein asked.

     Before I was able to speak Kirito spoke up instead.

"In the two months I was only able to beat floor 8, but this time I know I can get there in half the time."

'Why is he lying... we were the only ones to get the highest..' I simply decided to play along.

"I teamed up with Kirito pretty early on so same goes for me, and Kirito im sure well get there in 3 weeks if we push it." I say and Kirito smiles at the challenge.

"Wow, you guys must really love the game." Klein said.

"Of course.. the feeling of this world is something I can't explain. It's almost freeing, no limitations... no one to stop you from exploring." I say as the memories of our beta adventures flash through my mind.

"In this world, a single blade can take you anywhere you wanna go. I've felt more alive in here than I ever did in the real world.." Kirito responded after I did.

Kirito x Male OC-Sword Art Online- Abilities UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now