Winter Soldier - Seeing Double

Start from the beginning

"Do you want to be taken away from me? Is that what this is?" He asked as you shook your head.

"No, no not at all. I just want to see outside and get fresh air." You said as he grumbled and looked at you.

"No." He said before leaving again making you sigh.

"Sorry." You muttered before starting on dinner.


You'd made dinner and began to serve up when you saw Bucky again.

"Just set a spot for me." He muttered as you looked at him in confusion.

"Why not me?" You whispered as he looked up at you.
You saw the soldier, not Bucky.

"Because I didn't like the way you acted before." He grumbled as you nodded.

"I'm sorry." You whispered before setting his plate in front of him.

"On your knees." He said looking up at you as you faltered.
All it took was one glance and you went straight down onto your knees and bowed your head.
He went back to eating as you just stayed silently on the ground.
After he finished dinner you did the washing up like usual.
After about two hours you saw he had fallen asleep on the couch.
You don't know what over took you, you just knew you had to get out.
You snuck into the bedroom and put on some warmer clothes before sneaking out of the door.
It was a stupid idea, he would find you in no time but you needed to get out.
You down the stairs that led up to the house and made it into the small streets.
You just needed to get to the town square and maybe you could ask someone for help.
You ran as fast as you could, ignoring your heavy clothes.
You could see the lights of the town square approaching.
Just as you reached the entrance you ran hard into a tall man, making you fall over.

"Oh god! Sorry!" He said quickly rushing to help you up.
When you stood up he looked at your face and realised something.

"Are you Y/N?" He asked as you felt your heart stop.

"Please don't make me go back." You whispered as he looked at you in confusion.

"It's okay, I'm not going to make you go anywhere. We've been looking for someone and I think you know him." He said pulling out a photo of Bucky as you nodded a little.

"I'm sorry I ran away. I don't know why, I just... I couldn't take another punishment." You whispered as he looked at you sadly.

"I have some friends here with me, we can help you. We were sent here to find the Winter Soldier and we know you spent a lot of time with him in Hydra. I can imagine that was hard, I won't force you anywhere but if you want you can come with me and you'll be safe." He said as you looked up at him and thought for a bit.

"O-Okay. " You muttered making him smile softly.

"Alright, just follow me. I'm Steve by the way." He said as you nodded again.

"Y/N, there's something you should know. I know that the winter soldier is Bucky Barnes, but what you probably don't know is that the winter soldier is a clone." He said as you looked at him in shock.

"And the real Bucky Barnes is here with us, apart of my team. So, if it's too hard to see him just let me know." He said as you let the information sink in.

"I think I should be alright. That's just a lot of information to take in." You replied as Steve nodded.
You kept walking for about ten more minutes before you reached a small house outside of the town.
You followed him inside and saw a group of four people around an old TV and talking.

"Everyone, we have a guest." Steve said as they all looked up.
The real Bucky's eyes met yours and you stared at him.

"Is this Y/N?" He asked standing up as Steve nodded.

"It is, and she came here willingly." Steve said as you finally looked away from Bucky.

"And she has a complicated history with the winter soldier." Steve said as Bucky nodded.

"Well, I hope seeing my face isn't too painful." He said chuckling softly as you smiled.
Everything about him was different from the solider.
His smile, his voice, his haircut was even different.
Steve had introduced you to everyone and you found yourself having to tell them all the information you knew about the soldier.
After a while you stood up abruptly.

"Can I get some air?" You muttered as Steve looked at you.

"Go ahead, Y/N." He said smiling softly.
You found your way outside and looked up to the moon.
You heard footsteps and looked behind you to see Bucky coming outside.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to see." He said as you smiled softly.

"It's actually weirdly comforting to see you." You muttered not looking at him.

"I know telling us everything must be hard. I just wanted to let you know that I'm here if you need anything." He said making you look up at him.

"Thank you, Bucky. You can stay for a bit if you'd like." You replied making him smile.

"I'd love nothing more, Y/N."

Marvel Oneshots - Book 4Where stories live. Discover now