Snow Day

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Snow floated down onto the quiet town of White Bridge, December settling down in Maine. The air was sharp, clawing against the lungs of the unfortunate that were stuck outside. Wind chilled the bones but a lone figure persisted through the storm. They moved towards the edge of the town where a weathered barn stood. Their thin fingers pried the doors open and the greetings of howls and squeals met Fox Hatchett.

The girl shut the barn door behind her as she flicked the light on. She brushed her auburn bangs back under her beanie whilst she pulled out her sled from an empty stall. They're louder today, she mused; the white and chocolate malamute, Reindeer, jumped onto his hindlegs and attempted to lick the teen's face. Fox dragged her sled to the opposite end of the barn, where the large back doors where struggling against the winter wind. The sled dogs continued to eagerly whine whilst she set up all of her dogs' harnesses. Screaming doesn't accomplish anything, Fox chuckled to herself as she walked up to her lead dog, Eos.

"Hey buddy, you ready to get going?" She chuckled as she rubbed the happy sable malamute. Eos yipped in response; Fox grabbed the dog by his collar and guided him out of his stall, struggling against the excitable animal. He's getting stronger every day, the girl rolled her eyes as she hooked Eos up. The damn dog is only four years old and has the strength of a bull.

"Let's get the rest of you tied up."

Fox hooked up her six other dogs, massaging her aching shoulder. These dogs are going to take my arm off. She glanced over at the other empty ten stalls; Marley must have went out too. Why does he always go out right when I do? She fixed her gloves, annoyed, but jumped onto her sled.

"Alright pups, brace yourselves," Fox loosened her shoulders before gripping her sled handle. "Hike!"

Like untamed beasts, the sled dogs howled in ecstasy as they peeled out, drool flying into the air. The doors were smashed open and the team was off. Fox pulled her face mask up whilst they turned a corner up a wooded trail. The pounding of her heart, the wiping wind, the chilling cold scratching at her clothes, the teen was filled with pure enthrallment. God, this is great, she smiled wide behind her mask.

The team sped through the wooded terrain, the dog's breath steaming up the air. Fox noticed that the path had already been run through. And Marley of course took this path, she frowned, an annoyance to the boy increasing. That guy is always in my way!As they moved up towards a clearing, another sled team was resting comfortably to the side. Here he is, Fox furrowed her brows. "Whoa, whoa."

The teen's team slowed down and rested beside the other. Resting against his sled, Marley Beau smirked over at Fox. The boy's dark hair peaked out from under his beanie, getting in front of his hazel eyes. His dogs howled at Fox's while she walked over towards Marley.

"What're you doing out here Beau?" She demanded, shoving his shoulder. "I purposely asked Mr. Saul to take my dogs on Orson Path during this storm. I wanted to run through the fresh powder Beau! What the hell?!"

He laughed casually, holding his hands out. "Oh come on Fox, I wanted to go sledding. I love Orson Path during storms too, why can't we do this together?"

"Are you daft?" Fox pinched her nose, frustrated. "You can't ride side by side or directly behind someone because of danger risks. Oh and tell me Beau, when have you ever been on Orson Path? You have to ask Mr. Saul for whatever trail your sledding on and I've been using Orson for years!"

"Who says I ask?" He wiggled his eyebrows, smiling. "Come on Foxy, no need to be a stickler for rules. Let's just sled together, it's a beautiful December day and the snow is so nice."

The girl huffed, folding her arms. "I better not see you behind me."


She jumped back onto her sled and kicked off. Eos let out a howl as they rode back onto the path. What a prick, she fumed whilst they ran up a hill. Always in my way, it's like he enjoys irritating me. The team zipped through the path for about an hour, the dogs never stumbling once. When the lights of White Bridge came back into view, Fox's eyelashes were heavily coated with snow. I can't believe I forgot my goggles, she cursed herself. I was just so excited to go out that I forgot them.

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