Chapter 16:Question of loyalties Part 2

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After a shower and getting changed there was a knock on my door and it was Cam bringing Sensei.Who jumped onto my old bed and then Cam left."So what was it you wanted to talk to me about Sensei."I asked and he sighed."Jessica I realized I over reacted when I threw you out yesterday and I now understand why you kept it a secret to prevent what had happened from happening I-"I interrupted him."No offence Sensei but it doesn't matter because after this battle I am leaving the team and moving back home to Reefside where Lothor can't find me, you guys obviously don't need me."And I looked at him."I will fight one last time for my dad and then that's it."And before he can say anything else Tori knocked on my door."Guys we've found the monster who took Jess's dad."and so I followed her out to the main Ops room.

"The cannonbolt monster is hanging around Blue Bay attacking innocent people,"Cam told us and turned to me"He's probably trying to lure you into a trap."He spoke and the others turned to me."I don't care he pick the wrong person to mess with,"I looked around the others."Finding him means finding my dad but I won't force you guys to help me I'll go myself."And before they could say anything else I flamed out.

A few moments later downtown Blue Bay Harbor

When I arrived downtown I saw the monster attacking buildings with his cannons and just as he was about to shoot at some innocent family I ran over and blocked the blast with my sword."Ha it took you long enough to get here."He mocked smirking at me."I was starting to think that you don't value your father's life at all."He was angering me but I didn't let it show as I ran at him.I may not be morphed but I could still fight I managed to make him drop his cannon but then Kelzaks came running at me and I had to fight them I kept fighting them off more kept coming and I knew I was going to lose.As the monster faced me again with the cannon in his hand he mocked me."Not much without your morpher are you."And as he fired I raised my shield and he kept trying to break it."I don't need it."I retaliated but I knew right now it would help.

All of a sudden there was a yell."SNOW SPEAR."and Kailey appeared with her weapon and broke the shot that was attacking my shield and I dropped my shield and I dropped my shield.While the monster was down and the others attacked Shane approached me."That was stupid of you running off like that."I just looked at him."I didn't want to involve you guys."He brought something from behind his back and took my hand gently in his."Let's finish this guy,"and as I looked at what he placed in my hand I was shocked to see that it was my morpher."Together."He said in a gentle voice looking at me with sad eyes."But you said that I couldn't be a ranger anymore."He nodded."I know what I said but in the last two days you have saved our lives twice and proven to me that you are trustworthy and I hope you will reconsider staying with us."We have all made mistakes.He said and I saw the others all attacking to help find my dad and I nodded."Let's do this."

And me and Shane turned to the others and I faced the monster."You are going to tell me one way or the others and I faced the monster."You are going to tell me one way or the other where my father is and then you are going down."I yelled and then I raised my wrist where once again my morpher was.

"FIRESTORM RANGERFORM HA."and once again I was morphed.I pulled my dragon saber out and called."NINJA SHADOW BATTLE NOW."and as the others began to attack him with their own moves I finished off by firing a blast of ninja fire power at him sending him to the ground.As I grabbed him I told him."Now where is my dad."He shook."He's in the warehouse."I nodded and he fired another blast but this time when I raised my shield it bounced straight back and knocked him back and I turned."Cam, Kailey let's combine our weapons."and they nodded."Dragon sphere samurai formation."We called and we finished the monster with one final blast.Seconds later he grew to an enormous height.And Shane turned to me."We will take cannonbolt you, Kailey, and Cam go to the warehouse and find your dad but be careful."I nodded at him and then at Kailey and Cam."Lets go."and I took their arms and flamed us to where it was.

When we arrived there we were immediately surrounded by Kelzaks and I called my Dragon saber and began to fight them.As Kailey and Cam covered my back we took all of them down with ease and started to move forward."He's got to be here somewhere."I paused as I realized something.I was walking there without no way of knowing...But somehow I could sense where my dad was."Guys I think I can sense where my dad is take my hands and I will flame us there."and so I flamed us to outside a cell and when I looked inside there was my dad."dad, are you ok."He nodded and me and Kailey managed to break the door and I felt something this wasn't my dad.So I raised my sword and pointed at him."You aren't really my dad who are you."And he transformed into Zurgane."How did you figure it out."And we began to fight and so did Kailey and Cam as more Kelzaks appeared.We were outnumbered.By a lot.Uh oj all of a sudden there was a yell behind us and there was my dad and the others and they all began to fight with us to destroy the Kelzaks and as I managed to knock Zurgane away from me he said."We will meet again rangers and next time victory will be mine."and he disappeared.

All of a sudden the cave started collapsing so I grabbed everyone and flamed us back to Ninja Ops.


When we arrived I threw myself at my dad and he squeezed me tight.

"Its ok I'm ok...sshh."I looked at him with tears in my eyes and asked."How did you escape."before he could answer sensei watanabee did."After the others dealt with Cannonbolt I had discovered where they were keeping him and when they realized it wasn't at the warehouse they went in."


The other rangers were all sneaking into a cave where there were no monsters and in a cell was Tommy Oliver Jessica's dad they opened up the cell and pulled him out."Are you ok Mr Oliver."He nodded."Yeah but where's my daughter."We all realized that the others must have ran into a trap so we ninja streaked with her dad to the cave.When we got there we heard Jessica yell."You aren't really my dad who are you."And we ran to where the voice came from and we joined the fight.

Flashback ended

I laughed as I realized they had all heard and they laughed too."But how did you know."Shane asked and I didn't hesitate I told then how I had sensed where he was but then realized that it wasn't my dad and they all looked impressed."Ok you're powers are awesome dude."Dustin commented and we all laughed again as my dad hugged me again.Before we could say anything else Sensei cleared his throat and spoke."Yes her powers are great and now you must decide what you want to do no one can force you to stay but I know that everyone would be happy if you did."and as I looked around and I looked at my dad."What do you think."He nodded his head."What I said earlier still counts but it's up to you."I smiled and walked over to everyone."Well I guess you're stuck with me."and they all cheered.

It was good to be back.

Ok I did personally really enjoy this chapter and IK that I wrote it to be some sort of big mystery on who her father was but at this point I felt that enough little hints were given to reveal who he is and yes IK that JDF has left the power rangers franchise entirely but he is still and always will be my favorite ranger and as for the last name difference i did say at the beginning that Jess was adopted and just cause your adopted doesn't necessarily mean that you have to take on your adoptive guardians last name plus i decided to make it a mystery from the start and giving her the last name oliver would have made it a dead giveaway well I hope you enjoy this chapter today wasn't very busy day so I decided to post another chapter just to make up for the lost time that I have had from not writing for so long enjoy and stay morphinominal.

Fire and Ice(a power rangers ninja storm fan fiction)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن