Chapter 2

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Jess's POV

I don't know what to do. I can't just pick up and go home my dad wouldn't allow it. What am I supposed to say? Hey, dad for the last 2 years I went to a secret ninja academy and now all my friends have been sucked into the sky what's for dinner.

I got home why wasn't dad in. Hmmm, he's usually at home right now. I went to the fridge our usual place to leave notes for each other. There was a letter there it said:


I'm sorry but something has come up and I had to leave. You

remember Anton mercer. Well, he needs my help as soon as possible and I've got to go. I've arranged with you to stay with Hailey unless there's somewhere else you'd like to go.

I will try and contact you as soon as possible but I don't know when I'll be home.

Love you,


I looked over the letter three times. Was luck on my side or what. I could go to Blue Bay and find this sensei Wantanabe

But there's the box.

The box itself had the fire symbol on it and a note that I hadn't noticed before. I took the note and it read

Jessica this is the pink fire ninja morpher the sister morpher has been given to another student. The call is FIRESTORM RANGER FORM.

You have been entrusted with this great responsibility. I am proud of the ninja you are today

I hope in time you realize how important you are.

Sensei Koumon

It's a what. Sensei does realize power rangers are just from comic books right. Oh well, I decided to open the box. Inside the box lay the morpher(see a physical version I made below).WOW.I thought.

I thought

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I removed it from its box and slipped it onto my wrist.

"Fire-"wait, something tells me now isn't the time to use my morpher.

I kept it on my wrist and packed a suitcase. I phoned Hailey and told her I was meeting with a tutor and I'd let her know how it goes.

Blue Bay Harbor here I come.

When I had arrived at Blue Bay harbor I was beginning to question what I was going to do. I had no job, very little money, and no food.

Things were not looking good for me today.

I pulled up outside a little store that looked interesting and went inside.

OK, this is my kind of shop.

As I examined the shop I saw motocross gear and skateboarding gear. I looked over the skateboards when a boy in red came up to me."You buying for a friend."

I looked over at him."No, actually it's for me I totally trashed my skateboard the other day and I'm in need of a new one."He looked shocked."You skate aren't you a bit young."I just looked at him with slight anger until a woman came up to me.

"Hi I'm Kelly, can I help."I smiled at her."Yeah, I'm new in town don't know how long I'm going to be staying and I was wondering if you knew anywhere looking for workers."She returned the smile.

"Well, I'm a little understaffed when can you start."I looked at her shocked."Just like that, you don't want to know if I have any experience or anything.

"I always give people a fresh start. So how does Monday sound to you."

Cool, now I have a job.

And that's the ending to chapter two hope you enjoy

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