Day 5: Recon Gone Wrong

Start from the beginning

So, you allow your panicked actions to get the best of you as you run towards what appears to be an exit, the rows of what appear to be computers and other technological equipment passing you by in a blur, your gaze solely focused on the sliver of light at the far end of this darkened server room.

You can hear your pursuers in tow, their rapid, heavy, booted footfalls and shouts for you to likely stop, echoing in the expanse.

But you pay no mind, panting, clutching your handgun so tight, it almost feels as if it might break.

The light is getting closer now, a small, single metal door is slightly ajar, almost if someone has been through it already...

Again, you pay no mind, dashing through the door and slamming it shut, pressing your back up against it with a sigh.

And as you stand there, panting, your eyes go wide upon surveying your surroundings.

What appears to be a dome, stretches up high above your head, water on every side, the rays of the setting sun filtering through the depths causing you to wince, your eyes instinctively squinting at the sudden harsh light.

Though your momentary blindness costs you.

In a flash, you feel a set of arms restraining you and pulling you away from the door, your back no longer up against the cool metal, instead, the warmth of what appears to be another person.

Your panic choruses through you once more, even more so this time, as you fight against your apparent attacker's grip, the hand holding your Ghost effectively pinned into you, unable to move.

Though you finally manage to free yourself enough to elbow the person holding you captive, sending them staggering back slightly, their grip faltering...

And you step forward, shaking yourself free, whirling around, taking your mark, your finger sliding towards the trigger...

"Chamber?!" You practically gasp in sheer disbelief, the well-dressed sharpshooter clutching his side, a rather displeased expression on his features.

At this, he merely chuckles, shaking off the momentary pain you'd dealt him before offering a smirk.

"Indeed," Your teammate replies, his tone staying surprisingly calm considering the situation the pair of you are now stuck together in.

"What the hell was that for?!"

Your entire body is trembling with an anger and adrenaline as you stalk towards his larger figure, jamming a finger against his chest.

"You scared me half to death and I nearly shot you, you idiot!"

"I had faith that you wouldn't."

"Faith?! Are you insane?"

"Does anyone actually answer that question, mademoiselle?"

Fuming, you step away from the sniper, though he almost instantly grabs your arm and pulls you back towards him, tone low.

"Are you just going to stand here and yell at me or should we actually determine our next course of action?"

Once more, you huff in reply, a humored yet stern glimmer in his gaze, almost amplified by his glasses.

"Let's get on with it then. You got a plan?"

"As much as you would love to think otherwise, I actually do."

Wordlessly, your teammate links his arm through yours and begins towards the inner city sprawling out in front of the pair of you, dragging your rather shocked form along with him.

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