Day 2: Moving Forward

Comenzar desde el principio

You inwardly flinch at his words, though make no move, remaining at attention, gaze fixed on the wall behind his head.

"Funny enough, as fate would have it, that kid's comin' back," The rather grey haired Admiral in front of you chuckles with a shake of his head. "Comin' back to get your team ready for deployment."

Confusion and genuine surprise pricks your thoughts.

So the rumors have been true.

America is flinging herself back into the fight yet again...

With us at her helm.

"Inform your Team of this development and ensure they are equipped with the necessary Ground School supplies. Hangar three. 0600."

"Sir, I-" You start, uncertainty working it's way into your tone, a frown creasing your brow.

"That is all, Commander. You're dismissed," He orders, sliding a plain, brown paper folder across his desk, wordlessly urging you to pick it up and continue on your way.

So that's what you do, blinking in acknowledgement, before heading towards the door and stepping out into the dimly lit hallway, the sound of it closing behind you with a wooden thud echoing down the corridor.

These hallways practically feel like home, and as you stride down them, gaze wandering over the now rain-stained windows and the grey mix of F-14s and F-15s sitting quietly on the tarmac, you can't help but sigh.

They are home.

And these handful of pilots...

The current best of the best...

They're your Team.


And now you have to be the one to send them into the fray of whatever the hell is going on overseas - you along with them.

Huffing a chuckle of a rather disbelieved laugh, you pause as you near the exit, something... no, more like, someone, catching your eye, practically sprinting towards you.

You don't recognize him - he's not a regular on base, that's for sure.

Clad in a pair of jeans, cowboy boots, a plain white shirt (that's quickly becoming soaked) and an evidently decorated brown bomber jacket, the newcomer comes bursting through the door in front of you, taking a breath before wiping the rain water from his face.

It's almost as if he doesn't notice you until you shift your weight to your other foot, moving ever so slightly, but enough so it catches his attention.

And it does, earning a slight jump of surprise, his gaze instantly settling on yours, a breathy chuckle being pulled from his lips.

"I honestly didn't even see you there. Sorry ma'am."

A soft smile tugs at your lips.

"No harm done," You assure. "It's understandable - making a break for it to get out of that rain."

"Yeah," Is all he replies, lips beginning to form the slightest ghost of a smirk. "You're a pilot?"

You hadn't even comprehended that you're still donning your olive drab Flightsuit, too caught up in mentally trying to determine just who this man in front of you is.

Or were you lost in this stranger's rather mesmerizing green gaze?

"Hm?" You muse aloud, eyes suddenly widening in realization that he'd spoke and you had never answered.

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