Die or live ?

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Zozo : So it's you...I was ordered to kill you .

Yukia : Uh...I don't understand ?

Zozo takes a large stone and rushes towards the young girl .


Yukia : Ahh!

Yukia dodged the rock .

Yukia : What ?! You want to kill me ?!? Are you crazy ?!

Zozo : Yes , I'm crazy !

He tried to hit Yukia again with the rock but Yukia still managed to dodge him , again and again . She thought back to the holy water she had put in her pocket a few minutes earlier . As Zozo rushed towards Yukia again , the latter discreetly put her hand in the pocket where the bottle was and waited for the evil spirit to be close enough . Immediately , the girl took out the holy water from her pocket and sprinkled it on his face . The water effect seems to burn Zozo who dropped the stone . Mad , he hit Yukia's hand who was holding the small bottle with his supernatural power , the pain made her drop the holy water , then he threw himself on her .

Zozo : You poor soul !! You going to die !!

The demon put his hands around the girl's neck and strangled her . Yukia struggles but Zozo is much stronger than her . As she suffocates , images from when she left Christianity , sinned for a year , to the dream she saw souls tormented by flames come back to Yukia's mind . She is convinced that if she dies now , Hell will await her after life .

Yukia: «No...I don't wanna die ! I don't want to go to the place where there is only horror, crying , moaning and gnashing of teeth!»

Heaven Land Mew mew chapter 1 - New life ! The birth of Mew Moonlight !Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt