Times up

349 4 11

She waited for what seems like hours but it was actually just one.
There was still no sign of him.
It was getting colder and her hands were slowly starting to hurt.
The still damp jumper not helping in the slightest.
"Come on Liam" she said to herself.

Another few more minutes and she had enough.
She left the nearly dry piece of paper with her number on where it was.
She stood up on the wall and began to walk back to the pier.

"Liam!" She called out.
Then again as she got further up.
A few more calls and she had given up hope.

'He's not coming'

She finally reached the front entrance of the pier.

The sea front was mainly quiet.
A few lights and sounds erupted from furhter down the road.
A police car speed past her and off into the distance.

She began to walk down the long mile and towards Tiffany's.
She hoped that he had gone there by some chance.
Even if that did mean forgetting about her.

The walked felt longer than usual.
She felt very deflated.
Slightly angry.

"Excuse me 'as Liam come in ere?" She asked the unfamiliar bouncer at the door.

"Liam?" He questioned.

"Gallagher? Liam Gallagher? Beatle haircut, cord jacket?" She replied.

"Not to my knowledge darling"

"Thank you... um could I just check?" She wondered.
The club was empty from the outside. Music wasn't as danceable.
Less people talking over one another.

"Of course, go up"

She went in and claimed the stairs to the main room.
A guest DJ was on and the room was like a leopard print of people.
Patches here and there.
She couldn't see any one she regonsied.
That being a first.

There was only one place she though he could be.
The V.I.P one.
Of course she was allowed up.

She went up the stairs and into the room.
She scanned the room.
It was even more spread out up here then down there.

"Ange?" A voice called, their body hid within a small compact group by the window.
She instsnly thought it was Liam.

"Liam!?" She cried.

It wasn't him.
It wasn't Noel.
It wasn't any of the band.

The figure became more clearer and less distorted.
They came closer.
Finally regoniseable.

"I'm not Liam" they argued.
Not they wernt.
Completely different sex.

"Hello Sophie" Angie greeted.
Her face slowly dripping down further to the floor.
Sophie instantly noticed and put her arms around her.
She hugged tightly.

"What's wrong?" He asked, worried.
Angie began to tear up as she put her arms around her and sneezed tighter.
"Come on" Sophie encouraged, leading her to the toilets.

She pulled her in and saw her on the side of sink.
Angie bursted into tears.
Sophie hugged her once again.
She was confused.
Angie never usually got this upset about anything.

"Hey look, please tell me what's happened. Your getting me worried"

Angie through blubs, snot and tears explained the whole ordeal to her.
Including the bits that made it obvious that she had grew a real affection for him.
She listened to every word even if she didn't quite understand them all.

She let her finsh before grabbing a roll of tissue from the opposite toilet and taking it back with her.
She teared off strips and bunches, wiping Angies face and getting her to blow her nose.

"God you bloody heart broken over a 'rock and roll star'. Never saw that one coming aye?" Sophie joked causing Angie to snap out of it a little.
"What did you expect, he probably plays around with birds for fun. You probably got out at the right time".

"Maybe?" she replied before doing a big blow of her nose.
"Ere are present for ya" she added before folding up the tissue and throwing it towards Sophie.
It missed luckily.

"Eurgh what the fuck Ange?"

Angie smirked.

"Ah there she is!" Sophie cheered.
She gave her a third hug and held her.
"You'll be fine. you've got through worse  than a bloody Beatles reject ain't ya?".

Angie began to laugh softly, causing Sophie to let go.
She cupped Angies face and kissed her forehead "You'll be alright, I promise".

Maybe she was right Angie thought to herself.
It didnt last long.
Then again, he was firmly stuck in her head.
Perhaps forgetting about him was gonna be harder than ever forgiving him.
'Yeah like I'll ever see him again' Angie thought to herself.

"How about I walk ya home, get some rest?" Sophie offered and Angie accepted.
Sophie left Angie to finish get cleaned up whilst she went and said goodbye to the group she was speaking to.

"Come on then you, let's get ya home".

She walked Angie out of the club.
They took a rather long walk home as Sophie thought the longer walk would clear her head a little.
It didn't.
Angie was still looking out around very corner for any sign of Liam.

Even to point where she thought she spotted him, but upon further ivestigation it became clear that 'Liam' was really just a random guy with a Beatle cut.
Another wrong guy who looked the same from the back.

They reached her flat and she lead Sophie inside.
Sophie told her to get her nut down and that she's having the couch for the night.
She was allowed.
Of course.
I mean she didn't have much choice in the matter anyway.

Angie took herself to her room, turned on the lamp and sat on the bed.
She pulled of his jumper and held it in her hands.
She smelt it deeply and fell back on the bed.
Even after getting drenched it still smelt like him.

She pulled the covers and got into bed.
She cuddled the jumper tightly and turned off her lamp.
She began to tear up again but managed to stay silent through her crying.
Her crys muffled by the jumper.

"Oh Liam, why?"

Sequel (not completed) -

Hello 1996 ~ Liam/Noel Gallagher


Long Walk 1994 ~ Liam GallagherWhere stories live. Discover now