The End

16 1 0

Trigger warning : su!c!d3


Taking a stroll after the fall is the warmest I've ever felt.
Various emotions was dwelt, I can feel the sadness that before can't melt.
Suppressing it was hard, a happiness that was once disregard.

Being alone now is warm, I am now unharmed.
Free like a dove, dancing as if I'm dope.
No one can really see me, but at least I'm free now and happy.
Crying is necessary, bidding goodbye is unnecessary
because I know that I'll see them again on my cemetery.
My book is now closing, my life is now ending. The happily ever didn't exist, because I ended my life with a twist.

AN//: always seek for professional help if you're going through something. It's better to let it out than keeping it. And—

Happy 3k reads! omg, I'm shit7ing tears r n ಥ╭╮ಥ. I created this poem because my professor gave us this activity to create poem with 2 stanza ONLY but, I ended up submitting the poem I created entitled "the question". I might traumatized her if I handed this one lol. Anyway, thank you again for 3k reads. Baka gusto niyo naman mag votes? Chariz.
Life is important guys, live for yourself. Take care always and don't forget to smile lagi.

Thank you sm! Giving y'all hugs with consent. ˃ᆺ ˂ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2022 ⏰

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