Beauty Standard

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mirror mirror on the wall

let me be the fairest of them all

make my lips smaller

make my nose taller

make my eyes round

make my skin fairer

i was judged before for having my own kind of beauty

the standard i have, doesn't pass the community

i know that i shouldn't mind those people

but did i do something wrong?

for them to judge the beauty that i wore

i was tired about them gossiping

that i would be beautiful if only i have a fair skin

i could be a celebrity if only i was skinny

many people will adore me if only i have beauty

i was tired being compared

i was tired about my self

but i realized that

who are them to judged me?

so i started loving my self bit by bit

i started to see the beauty that i have

i don't have to be compared to others about who i am

i don't have to pass the beauty standard of community

i can be the standard of my beauty

i can be confident of me.

so please stop saying that i'm ugly

i am beautiful to be me.


So, I grew up on having that beauty standard. My family always tells me that I could be prettier if I am skinny, if my nose was a bit taller etc., I can't blame them tho because they were taught about those things either by their family also but they've changed now, no worries^^ but if you experience being compared- please stay strong, I know that you can lose your confidence with those words but remember that you are the prettiest person and one day someone will see you for you

I hope that person is your self bijj, purr it you are ✨gorgeous✨

Oh and also please stop the racism, colorism etc, you are beautiful and you can be so much more if you love yourself.

Happy 1k reads everyone! Stay safe and stay hydrated~ (‘∀’●)♡

Let's celebrate, here have a cake

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Here Is your cake, oh— and here is a flower for you because you did great today! Pick one (or two, it's up to you)
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