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"Lisa, we need to talk," Bambam grabbed Lisa's arm and pulled her to the side during study days when Lisa had been trying to go back to the library to force herself into studying. She didn't go back to her dorm room because Seulgi was asking too many questions. And she wouldn't go back, not until she needed to sleep.

"What?" she hissed, annoyed and pulling free. "I have work to do. Can't it wait."

"No, it fucking can't." Bambam was vibrating with some sort of odd energy and he had bags under his eyes. It was creeping her out a bit to be honest.

"Alright," she reluctantly agreed. She let him lead her to a bench that was out of the way of a group of students.

"Why were you coming out of Irene's house in the middle of the night?" Bambam demanded and Lisa stood there a while, not sure she had even understood him.


"I said-"

"No, I heard what you said, just how the fuck would you know that?"

"Friday night after that dinner with One, things weren't making sense." Great. Lisa had fooled no one. No surprise there she supposed. "I was going to go and talk to you but then I saw you heading down the campus and you were so upset that I wasn't sure if I should talk to you. But I went to go get my car so I could drive by and give you a lift in the cold weather except by the time I find you, you're going into this random house. I think it's One's place but no. Irene opens the door." He's practically vibrating as he's saying this. She takes a step back because he's freaking her out. Why was he spying on her? "And I wait there, thinking I'm crazy but no you leave her place a couple of hours later. So, why the fuck were you at her house?"

Lisa shakes her head. She doesn't have time for this. Nor does she care for keeping this a secret anymore.

"What the fuck do you think I was doing there? Knitting scarves for her?" she responded nastily.

His eyes got wide and he sharply inhaled. "You're in a relationship with Irene? You're actually fucking her!?" he whisper and screamed and it looked like he would explode from this knowledge. Lisa rolled her eyes. He was really annoying her now.

"How the fuck did you get so lucky-"

"I didn't. Get lucky that is. It was all just one big power trip and now it's over," she said with finality and steel in her voice. "So I don't want to talk about it anymore." She made to move past him. But he blocked her.

"Are you kidding me? I want to know everything. You lied to me, Lisa. You lied to all of us. But you lied to me especially. We were in that club together-"

"Fuck you and your fucking creepy obsession," she spat, frankly irritated. Today was not a good day to test her. "I don't owe you anything and I won't be fucking talking about that bitch. If you want her, you can have her." She shoulder-checked him as she stomped away.

He raced after her through the snow. "If you don't give me what I want then I'll tell everyone! You'll get in trouble with the board and be kicked out! And she'll get fired!"

Lisa laughed, actually laughed at that. He just gave her a good idea. One she had toyed with but never truly sunk onto. "Bambam, look at my face." She paused so he could do that.

He was breathing hard, looking slightly maniac. He really did need help. But then again, it seemed like Irene had that magical ability to fuck up perfectly normal people. "Does it look like I care?" she asked, brow arched.

"Uh..." he seemed stumped and his breath billowed around him.

"The answer is no, Bam," she answered for him, quite sharply. "So go ahead, tell anyone you want because me and her are through. For good." This time when she left, he didn't follow.

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