"It's fine~ Come to the palace tomorrow, okay? I will be releasing a royal order to imprison anyone who violates taxes from tomorrow on. You can give out the announcement." I say.

"Are you... seriously doing that?"

"Yeah. Is that a problem?"

Joss looks at me like he wants to tell me something. But holding himself back. He finally sighs as if he has decided something after his internal battle.

"You should be careful," he mumbles.

"You know something that I don't.."

"You should... re-investigate everyone who left the meeting," he hesitantly says.


Joss's words keep me awake for a couple of nights. When the royal order regarding the tax violations was made, and when the titles were given back to the two knights, I felt much relieved. Like I've kept a big step. But...

I meet Dew by an upstairs corridor, and he bows as our eyes meet. I notice the sword he bears with the symbol of a knight riding a horse.

"You look cool in this attire." I compliment.

He chuckles, "Thank you, your highness."

"Mh.. made me wonder. I am unaware. How are the ranks given in the military?"

"Oh. According to performance and especially loyalty. Bloodline can matter too." he says.

"Interesting... Does that mean... there's a chance a commoner... or a soldier can rank up to aristocracy? Like you."

"Most probably. But it will take a few years. Assume a soldier goes to war, protects the king with all his might and performs well. There's a chance the soldier can get a higher rank. As a section leader minimum and even commander." he explains further.

I nod, "Oah. Alright."

"Is it about the baker?"

I nod.

"He'll do great. It seems he has good dedication. And I will also get him under my squad after training so he'll get to protect her royal highness (Queen) and your highness."

I nod again, this time in relief after hearing his words, "Ah, also. I almost forgot. Could you investigate a few more people? Some dukes left the meeting that day, and I assume there's something fishy about them. I want a thorough re-investigation."

After talking with Dew, I walk in the direction where the daily training is held. I look down at the training area where the soldiers are dueting with spears.

I lean on the balcony and search for that familiar face among the crowd. Oh! There he is. Looking handsome as ever in his soldier attire with armour~ Oh my... so hot.


I don't realise I've been staring at him for so long till all the soldiers notice me and stop their training. So I recompose myself and walk downstairs to the training area. Nani appears from an inner room just in time and notices me. The training soldiers bow in respect.

Nani squints his eyes at the soldiers and at me, probably wondering what I am doing here. It takes him a while to understand what is going on, and he gets a teasing smile on his lips as he spots Bright among the soldiers.

He looks at the soldiers and orders them to do ten laps around the palace as training, and when Bright is about to leave with everyone, Nani grabs him by the collar and pushes him to me. 

"No need to do hide and seek, your highness. Have fun." he winks and leaves.

I beam at Bright as soon as Nani is out of my view. Bright smiles wide in return. Aah. The cutest.

"So? You are doing great with the training, aren't you? I was watching you- I mean, watching everyone..." I say.

"Your highness was watching me?"

"That's all you heard? Unbelievable." I laugh and look around to notice a lot of blunt weapons that are used for training. My eyes immediately go to the wooden swords. I walk over and take two.

"You were doing spear duets. I used to dislike them." I give one sword to Bright, and he takes it without question.

"But it is useful. Only if your highness is good at aiming," he says.

I observe the wooden sword and aim it at him, "I am good at everything." I smirk. "Care to have yourself on your knees? How about we do a bet."

"Sounds nice but bet on what?"

I walk close and lean in to whisper to his ears. A playful smile plays on my lips as I whisper our bet. Bright looks shocked, more like shy, and I step back to have the distance between us for the duet.

He takes a deep breath and steps back. He spins the sword and aims it at me. We look into each other's eyes, and I make the first move. I let the tip of my sword slam against his, and he does it back. He makes a move towards me, and I stumble back.

I click my tongue in annoyance and charge at him at speed, blowing off his sword from his hand. It falls to the ground. Bright doesn't back up and ducks as I try to keep the tip of my sword against his neck. He avoids all my attacks and makes a jump to grab the sword he lost. (that's on the ground)

I block his way and point my sword against his Adam's apple. He looks at me in surprise at first, and I innocently smile.

"I won-" he interrupts my victory words.

"Are you sure?"

And the next thing I know, he kicks my sword that goes in the air. He launches and makes a grab for it. Upon losing my sword, I try to get his one from the ground, but before that, he puts his arm around my neck and holds me for a sleeper choke. Then he drops the sword.

"Ass." I breathe out.

Bright lets go of me and laughs at my words.

"Your highness should keep the promise, though..." he says, picking up the wooden sword from the ground.

"What bet?" I try to avoid it.

"Don't think of escaping."

I groan aloud and cover my face with both my hands. I should've done an easy bet.

"Prince." I hear my mother's voice, and I look up at the balcony. She faintly smiles at me, and I quickly compose myself. Bright stands straight and bows in respect.

"Yes, your royal highness?" I ask, feeling nervous.

"We- we better have a conversation," she says.

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