
Depuis le début

Damon scoffed. "Too bad because I don't trust him."

"Then trust me." She told him and he went quiet. "And anyway, the whole lecture was boring."

Alaric sighed. "Of course, Jenna thinks he's charming," Alaric said, trying to diffuse the tension.

"Oh my god, you're jealous!" Juliette realised. So that's why he wanted to leave.

"He does sound jealous, He sound jealous?" Damon asked Andie who hummed.

"Kind of do," The reporter nodded and Alaric scoffed.

"maybe we shouldn't talk about this here," Alaric muttered gesturing to Juliette and Andie.

Juliette sipped on her drink. "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that after I told you can trust me." She commented.

"Andie's been compelled not to divulge my secrets, haven't you?" Damon said and Andie nodded and the two kissed.

Juliette turned around when she heard Jenna and Elijah. "Uh oh, look out. It's Jenna and her new boyfriend," She teased Alaric who nudged her slightly.

Damon waved them over. "Hi!"

"Hey guys!" Jenna greeted them and walked over with Elijah.

"So I hear you two had, uh, quite a meeting of historical minds today," Damon said. Juliette could tell he was pretending to be interested.

Jenna nodded. "Yeah. I guess you could say that."

"Well, as much as I'd like to continue this, I've got papers to grade," Alaric laughed and went to move out of his seat.

"Hey, we should continue this. Let's have a dinner party!" Andie suggested and Juliette groaned.

"Oh Jesus," Juliette mumbled.

"Ooh, my girl. Full of ideas, I'll be happy to host," Damon said. "Say, tonight, maybe?"

"It's good for me," Andie said. "Jenna?"

"I don't know-" Alaric tried to say but Jenna cut him off.

"-Yeah, I'm free," Jenna told them.

"It'd be a pleasure," Elijah said with a smile. Everyone looked to Juliette who hadn't said a word.

She huffed. "Ugh, fine, I'll cook," She offered. At least cooking would get her away from everyone else.


"Shit," Juliette mumbled as she sped around the Salvatore kitchen when she smelled something burning. "That's not good."

Juliette could sense something was going to happen tonight, she just didn't know what. She tried to figure it out as she marinated the chicken with garlic and other things and chopped the carrots and other vegetables. A recipe of her own that she knew her whole family loved.

"Why did I just smell something burning?" Damon asked as he walked in. "And why does my kitchen look like something exploded?"

"Because something is burning, and I spilt something earlier," Juliette told him as she tied her hair up because it was in the way. "Get out of my kitchen!" She shooed him away and he left.

Juliette placed the chicken in the oven and finally took a breath. It wasn't long before it was finally ready, she only ever made this recipe for special occasions like birthdays, for example. The first time she made it was for Rebekah's birthday in 1813, and everyone loved it.

Juliette carried the plates into the dining room and placed them in front of everyone. "Just a small recipe of my own, garlic chicken with steamed carrots and salad," She told them and caught Elijah's eye. Juliette winked at him when he seemed to realise what recipe it was.

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