Best Character[s] in a Fight Scene Results!

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And the results are in!

Thanks so much to all the participants for entering, you all took the dive and I must say, this was a really hard category to judge, we've got some real talent here, as we do throughout the awards :D

It's cheesy to say I know, but all of you should be proud just for entering these award- I know it takes a lot sometimes to put yourself out there! :)

So, without any further ado, let's get to the reviews shall we?

Chasing Eden by StellaRoseATX: 6.5/10

This scene feels toxic, with the combination of chemistry and anger creating a palpable sense of fury that honestly makes the scene hard to read in a way, though this is not a fault of the writing and more the sensitive subject matter if that makes sense. I do feel that Eden and Kole had good chemistry, which was well-written, as you can see that lust is consuming them both in a relationship already destined to fail. However I do think that Eden was lacking slightly in further character, I only really got a sense of her motivations and her relationships, and the same can almost be said for Kole, so I would explore that a little more. I also feel that some of the grittier details of what the characters actually do to each other could've been cut, or perhaps referenced in a less explicit way, to make the scene work a little better. I feel that the emotional component to the fight was very realistic, so that is definetly a plus. The atmosphere is also good, there's a good sense of danger. Overall a decent fight scene and decent show of characters, there is definetly potenial.

Alien's Obsession by CrysTravel2019: 7/10

I found this to be quite a good read, though the beginning of the chapter drags quite a bit due to grammar errors, poorly-worded sentences and exposition-heavy dialogue, which definetly affected my first impressions of the characters. I found Jedrek to be pretty good once he started his emotional talk with his father, some more of his motivations and personality was revealed. I can't speak much to the character of Jedrek's father obviously, but I did love the scene with him cradling his son at the end, a lot was shown in such little time. I do feel that the characterisation is another thing which needs to be worked on here, as well as the general quality of writing, to help the writing flow better and create a more atmospheric fight. Overall this was a fairly decent chapter, with some really nice moments, that has a lot of potenial.

The Arena Book One by erifnidne: 7.5/10

At first I was unsure of this chapter, there are some grammar mistakes and some sentences which felt a bit clunky so I would recommend giving this chapter an edit to make it more readable and consice. I wasn't sure how to feel about Veela going into the chapter, but the further along I got the more I appreciated her. She has a nice dry wit and clearly has a bit of a cocky streak to her which I enjoyed. It also makes her interesting, I can sense that she has weaknesses, and that her pride may be a downfall. In my opinion, Veela's character could've been expanded upon more, but I did find her interactions with Anatasha to be fun and a good window into her character. Overall, I quite enjoyed this chapter once it got going, and it definetly has a lot more potenial as well!

Hell is an Empty Heart by AnnamitaMuscaria: 8/10

I found the character of Cereberus to be interesting and almost empathetic, but with a certain alien element to him that signals his differences, which I really enjoyed. I lowered the score as while I did enjoy what little fight there was, I feel that the battle between the Chimera and Cereberus could have been drawn out a little longer, both for the sake of action and characterisation. However I do understand that you were focusing more on Persephone, this is just a suggestion I thought might improve the chapter a little. As I mentioned previously I find Cereberus' character enjoyable, it's also interesting to see how much he cares for Persephone clashing with his care for his master. His empathetic nature was very fascinating to read and I would love to see more, though I do feel that other aspects of his character could be built upon more. I do genuinely wish I could have given this a higher score, but unfortunately I felt that the fight scene itself was lacking a little, even from Cereberus' perspective, though as I'm also counting his arguments with Persephone, those definetly added a lot to his character. Overall though, you've got a very solid chapter with some beautiful descriptions and emotions!

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