Having my own family was truly the most amazing gift anyone could ever have. Before I met Sulpicia, I have my brothers, Marcus and Caius. But as time passes and they found their own mate and build their own happiness, I felt lonely. I was the last one to find my mate. Before Sulpicia, all I ever did was work. Everyday was spent trying to find the best way to keep our race prosperous. Now I have my beautiful mate and our darling child to fill my days.

My brothers, and also my wife, often accuse me of spoiling Isabella a little bit too much. Well, they weren't all that wrong. I do spoil her rotten. She, after all, is my only child. My pride and joy. I never thought that I'd love another person other than Sulpicia.

I tried to be present at all of Isabella's firsts. Her first smile, first laugh, first time rolling, first time crawling, first words and every other firsts. I remember every single one of them. Her first time calling me and her mother was a special one.


She started speaking a little over a month after her birth. Her first word was dada. It made my day. I never told that one to Sulpicia, but I believed that somehow she found out about that little secret. Merely hours after that, she called out her mama. She was demanding me to take her to her mama's room. At that time Sulpicia wasn't allowed to be within smelling range of Isabella, in fear that she would lose her control and end up hurting Isabella by accident. Even though my mate already display an extraordinary control over her instinct we still didn't want to take any risk. Sulpicia was devastated. She longed to see the baby she carried all those painful months, but she understood that it was for the best. Still, it was heart wrenching to see both your mate and your child longing to see each other.

On that particular day, Isabella kept asking for her mother. She wouldn't eat and refuse the blood given to her. She was fussy and kept crying all day long. I was beyond frustrated. I tried every single thing I knew to stop her crying. Her mate was there. He rocked her little body and rubbed her back the way he used to when she was falling asleep and I wasn't there to do so. Her aunts also tried to help. But nothing and no one could stop her pitiful cries. It was beyond her bedtime when her cries became softer and eventually became little hiccups and stopped as she fell asleep. Even in her sleep, her little body would periodically shaken up by her sniffles. Her mate laid her down on her bed and quietly sat on its edge. After that he and I just sort of doze off into a peaceful state.

"Master." He said and continued when I looked at his way. "Have you considered that maybe it'll be best if you allow Bella to be reunited with her mother?"

Her mate, and just about everyone but my brothers and I, had taken a habit of shortening Isabella's name. They all call her Bella. Even though sometime I catch her mate calling her other names in his native language.

I looked at him as if he had two heads. "You know exactly why I'm not allowing Sulpicia anywhere near her."

He nodded. "I understand that, master. But I have something in mind that might work."

I raised an eyebrow and gesture for him to continue.

"You see, the lady has already display an unusual control over her newborn instinct. My idea, is to test that control. Put her in the same room as a human for an entire day and see what happens. If she still display an amicable control then we'd allow her to see Bella. Supervised by none other that yourself and I. And you know that each one of us can easily handle a newborn vampire." He said.

He was right. Again, he proved that he earned the title given to him centuries ago. We began to plan the test and launch it the next day. Turned out not only Sulpicia passed the test by not killing the human, she also was able to be in extremely close proximity to that human. She hugged that human girl and comfort her, assuring her that they soon will be out of that room and return to their normal lives. Little that she know, later my mate would have her blood as her meal.

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