Chapter One - Keeping to myself

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My upbringing is not what you call your average upbringing. In fact It was...different. I come from a family of wizards Pure bloods which means a long line of 'full blooded' witch or wizards on either side of the family. My Family the Malfoy's were very proud of that, in fact they prided themselves on it, if you were not from a pure blooded family, then you were less than us, half blood were a grey area and heaven forbid if you were muggle born or as they used the derogatory term, Mudblood.

To add to that for most of our heritage we follow in my opinion some outdated rules and opinions.

1.Being a pureblood is everything

2.All Muggleborns should be eradicated

3.Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry is our School


4. All family member must be apart of the Slytherin house for fear of ruining reputation and practical shame of anything different.

I think personally I was six when I realised that I was not the typical Malfoy or Black budding young witch. I showed tolerance and acceptance to muggles and saw a rare beauty when two non magic folk had a child of magic. Mainly because someone deep in their heritage there had been a witch or Wizard who married a muggle and so on and so forth. Being a pureblood had no exact benefits other than bragging rights and what are those except just words and titles.

Though I knew I was different I tried my best to not show that I was. I loved my family and knowing I wasn't like them and the possible consequences of that scared me into silence. My Mothers cousin was different and he was practically disowned.

So when my acceptance letter to Hogwarts finally came just after mine and Draco's eleventh birthday. I was less than thrilled. I was an expert in hiding my true nice and kind nature to them but the sorting hat, who had talents of reading you and sorting out into your true house, terrified me because I was defiantly not a Slytherin like my brother.

Neither the less, Mama and Father took the two of us to Diagon Alley proud that their children were going to go to school and finally become functioning members of the family and their outdated ways. I stood in Olivanders, Father was clearly judging the old wand maker and his shop which was stacked floor to ceiling with wand boxes of which Olivander seemed to know which was which. Draco went first cause he was the annoying older twin. His wand was 10 inch Hawthorne with unicorn hair core. He loved it. Then I stepped forward.

"You have an interesting air about you." Olivander commented then moved to the back "and came back with three boxes he handed me the first. I tried it out and accidentally sent my brother flying.

"Oops." I bit my lip ad Mother helped him up

"I'm assuming not so much. How about this?" he wondered handing me another and I flicked it sending the boxes flying

"Defiantly not."

"Stop messing about, Vega." Father huffed "Pick one already."

"The wand choses the wizard or with Mr Malfoy. I will be right back he disappeared and I turned to my family.

"I'm not doing this on purpose. Sorry. Draco." I apologised to my brother

"It's fine." he grumbled. He was an ass most of the time but it was obvious despite our upbringing, he did have a soft spot for me and anything i did he would forgive me even if I didn't say I was sorry. Which I always did.

"Now this is one of my rarer collections, very few made and with good reason." he handed me a third and my hair blew back and it felt like there was a connection between me and the wand, it was weird but I felt a sense of unwavering power and loyalty.

"As I suspected Acacia wood with a vela core, the rarest wand i've produced and the hardest. This wand will never waver from your side. It is loyal to yours alone and will do great things."

"How come V gets that wanna and I get this?" Draco grumbled

"You trust me with the other wands?" I retort back

"shut up." which was what he always said when he knew I was right. Father paid and we left. Our last stop was to have a pet.

"What do you want, sweetheart." we entered the pet shop. We had the option to bring to school a Owl, Toad or a Cat.

"Cat, mother. Please." i answered and she took me to the other end of the shop while Draco stayed with Father. I was defiantly my mothers daughter.

"Mother?" I asked her

"Yes, sweetheart." she replied as we looked over the selection of cats

"What if...what if the sorting hat puts me into a different house? Would you be upset?" I question her, if I was to ask she was the best one to do it with. She stopped and knelt in front of me.

"Why would that happen?" she wondered

"Because it could. You said it happened to your cousin and his was disowned. Will I be disowned? I don't want to be." i felt a pool of tears rise up.

"Oh, Vega no. I would, I would never." she stood and pulled me into her arms "Don't you ever think that."

"But, Father said." she stopped away stopping me.

"You are my daughter and i love you. " she held me tighter and I did the same with her.

I chose a siamese cat who I named Wednesday, Draco got himself an owl and then we went home. I cradled Wednesday in my arms while staring out of my window, tomorrow Draco and I would be leaving home. Things would never be the same again.


Mother and Father took the two of us to the Kings Cross Station and through onto platform nine and three quarters.

"Draco look after your sister." Mother insisted

"I will. I promise." Draco nodded

"Do us proud children, off you go." Father sent us off and I headed onto the train. Draco and I found Crabbe and Goyle who were friends of the family. They were basically my brothers lackies and followed his orders. I stared outside of the window looking back to our parents.

"I'm sorry." I whispered but no one heard the apology. Within the next 10 minute we left the station off to Hogwarts.

"You alright sis?" Draco asked

"Fine." I mumbled and rested my head on his shoulder. I eventually feel into a deep sleep.

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