Following Orders [Marien]

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19 BBY, Coruscant

Marien watched the Senate proceedings from Senator Valorum's pod. She and Senator Chuchi had come to the Junior Imperial Naval Academy the morning before to talk to him about the so called storm on Kamino that wiped out all the cities. Of course, he knew what really happened. But he had been sworn to silence by the perpetrator of the attack... or should he say, his father. 

Crisp and prim looking in his Imperial uniform- still in the Republic's grey-green after Marien's  school uniform had been updated to Imperial black, Father floated to the center of the chamber in a spare pod. These days, he seemed to be talking nonstop about this 'Defense Recruitment Bill', which was nothing short of replacing the clone troopers he'd destroyed the home of. Mother was certainly bored of it... and baby Callista couldn't care less. After all, it was yet another step in his life's work, Project War Mantle. So Marien assumed.

When would he give it a rest?

"With the clone trooper provisions requested by Senator Chuchi now addressed, and the matter resolved, there is no reason to delay the vote of the Imperial Defense Recruitment Bill further," Father began as Senator Chuchi's pod went to meet his.

"That is not the case, Admiral," The Senator countered. "We cannot take you on your word when you have given us reason not to."

"And what reason is that-?"

That the storm wasn't what destroyed the Kaminoan facilities, Marien thought, but kept his mouth shut. He knew nothing. And besides, who would believe the word of a mere child ? He glanced at Lady Valorum, Senator Valorum's ex-Jedi sister. The 17 year old squeezed his hand. Her sister had allowed Marien to tag along after a good hour of begging, under one condition- Toni would be his chaperone, to make sure there was no funny business.

"According to Halle Burtoni-" Senator Chuchi indicated the old Kaminoan woman behind her. "You  were responsible for diverting Kaminoan funding to outside projects without Senate approval."

A murmur of voices were heard, and Marien suddenly felt uneasy. Was there more to his father's misconducts than just the attack on Kamino? Had he embezzled money as well-? What else had he done? 

Was he the one who killed his friend-?

"And you believe the lies of a disgraced Senator-?" Father glanced around at the surrounding representatives for any hint of support. 

"Whether Senator Burtoni speaks truth or lies is not determined yet," Senator Valorum interjected. "We must hear her out before we make any assumptions."

"I concur with Senator Valorum," Senator Chuchi agreed. "A formal investigation should also clear things up... unless you want to tell us now  where those funds went?"

"I am not at liberty to disclose the nature of certain military operations," Father said curtly. "The funds you were referring to were redistributed, not misappropriated. "

"Redistributed..." Marien muttered under his breath. "Still embezzlement..."

Toni put a finger to her lips. 

"Your actions began months  prior to the loss of Tipoca City," Senator Chuchi argued. "Almost as if you were preparing for it. I'm sure your son would be able to testify... only he is in school, where he cannot say a word outside of his studies."

"I'm-" Marien was stopped by Toni putting her hand over his mouth and sitting him back down. Unfortunately for him, he had taken after his father in height, and stood at 5'3. Surely people could see him, even if his short outburst was drowned out by the murmur of the other Senators. It didn't help that Senator Valorum's pod was right next to Senator Organa's.

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