New School,New Friend

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"do you have everything dear?... Jade?" the queen asked worriedly.
Jade fiddled with the hanging threads of her black cloak.
"yes." Jade answered hurriedly as she snapped her attention back to the queen Rebecca.
Ricky rubbed circles onto Jade's back for comfort.
"don't worry dear, nothing will happen to you." the king smiled merrily.
Jade and Ricky went on their way to the caterpillar train conductor, Dante.
"hello sir, one Ever and one Never." Ricky handed him his and Jade's tickets.
The caterpillar looked up at Jade, observing her stature.
Jade gave a weak smile.
The caterpillar nodded slowly and let them board.
Repeatedly annoncing the rules for the ride.
"No Spitting, No Sneezing, No Singing, No Sniffling, No Swinging, No Swearing, No Slapping, No Sleeping and No Urinating. Violations will result to having clothes removed."
The once drowsy Jade suddenly jolted awake.
Ricky tried to not laugh.
'so cute.' he though while he smiled, checking on Jade if she was okay.

" we have arrived at the gates of the School for Good!"
"this is where we part i guess." Jade looked up at her taller friend.
Ricky sighed, removing the persistent frown on his face with a smile.
"I'll see you at the welcoming."
"if i survive or not get lost." Jade teased.
Ricky was about to reply but Dante the caterpillar conductor was tapping his shoes impatiently.
"time is ticking."
Jade nodded with a smile.
"bye Ricky."
And there they part.

"why the heck does the school have a moat and no bridge." Jade muttered to herself, dress heavy from the moat sludge she has to trudge on to get to the school entrance.
Dozens of stymphs dropped of shrieking students mid air.
Jade growled as some sludge splashed into her eyes.
" it burns god damn it! " she yelled, finally being able to utter profane words out of the palace and the goody goody train she rode on going to school.
Jade grumbled as she got out of the lake, not letting the wolves whip her onto line as she scrambled in place quickly.
" help! I'm in the wrong scho- ieeek!" a high pitched voice screamed.
Jade huffed.
'must be Sophie' she thought, having the blond haired reader in mind.
Jade admired the spiky tower gates, crowned with barbed wires.
"lovely. I feel at home already." she mumbled sarcastically.
"really, me too!" a boy hacked beside her.
Jade's eyes widened.
"oh, you're that famous peace maker princess from Phisia! What are you doing here?" Hort blinked.
Jade gaped.
"oh, right. No, I'm not a princess- I'm a Never. I'm Jade, and you are?"
Both students walked together, walking under a huge sign that read:
The boy grinned, revealing a collection of bucked and sharp teeth.
" oh I'm Hort, from Bloodbrook. Ya think we could be best mates or something?" he grinned.
Jade chuckled.
"course, why not?"
Hort gasped and Jade turned around to see what he was looking at.
"oh, who's that?" Jade asked, feigning ignorance.
"oh i don't know, but she's pretty ain't she. They don't usually make Nevers with princess hair." Hort said.
Jade nodded.
"pretty cool, this school."
Jade observed the magneficent halls of the school for Evil, black staircases, carved monsters and gold plaques along the wallz that showcased prized Never graduates.
Catherine of Foxwood A. K. A little snow white's villlain, shown standing over a comatose maiden.
A boy with a unibrow and a wide smirk was shown brandishing a knife to a woman's throat, above his portrait was another plaque that read Drogan of Murmering Mountains A. K. A Bluebeard.
Jade's eyes skimmed over numerous plaques and portraits, leading to one that a certain green eyed reader was also staring at.
A portrait of a boy with a terrified face in a rusty bronze frame, Failed.
Jade could feel cold sweat on her back.
'I can't fail, i can't fail, i can't fail...' she thought to herself over and over.
Hort tugged Jade's arm and gained her attention once more.
"hey look, it's your portrait!" he pointed to a frame with Jade's name and face on it.
'Emerald of Phisia'
Hort looked at her with a raised brow.
"Emerald?" he said her name in a questioning manner.
Jade shook her head
"yeah don't call me that, it's just Jade."
"got it."
A dark skinned hag handed Jade her schedule.

Hort looked over Jade's schedule

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Hort looked over Jade's schedule.
Jade made no attempts to hide it despite knowing there would be a lot of questions, since her new friend is undeniably taller than she is.
"why do you have Ever classes? And isn't swordsplay for the pretty boys in there?" Hort grumbled.
Jade bit her lip, trying to find a passable excuse.
"it was my... demand. Just don't tell anyone. I wanted to keep track on my... ally there. " she cursed herself for almost saying request instead of demand.
'evil, be evil. I shouldn't be nice.... Yeah, be mean...' she brainwashed herself over and over again.
Hort just looked over his friend worriedly, as Jade seemed lost in thought whenever she thought or talked to herself.
Hort shrugged.
"yeah sure." he said, not questioning her anymore.
An ogre dumped an bundle of books tied with a black ribbon in Hort and Jade's hand.
Jade inspected her new books, until she dropped them.
"yo what the actual fuck!?!" Jade shrieked.
The black ribbon that tied her books together was actually a long, live eel.
Hort picked up the eel and held it close to Jade's face.
Jade swiftly went behind Hort and used his cloak as a cover between her and the eel in Hort's hand.
" putitawayputitawayputitaway." she mumbled.
Hort let out an amused cackle.
Despite Hort's increasingly attractive yet rugged appearance as he laughed, all Jade could think of at the moment was the eel.
Which was currently wriggling on the floor because Jade made Hort kill it, of course her friend complied due to her frightened state.
And also because her terrifying glare.
"It's not funny." Jade grouched.
Hort continued laughing his ass off.
"oh but it is."
Jade smacked his arm to get him to shut up, it didn't work.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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