13: All Yours

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Smut warning!

The drive to Sebastian apartment was quite, but both of you could feel the hint of excitement in the air as you did. Sebastian parked his car and you both got out and made your way to the elevator. Sebastian tapped the button as you stood next to him, your fingers laced with his. The doors opened and thankfully there was no one else in the elevator. You stepped into the elevator, Sebastian right behind you, his hand never leaving yours. He pressed his floor number and stood next to you as the doors closed.

You looked up at Sebastian as the doors shut slowly, that same feeling still floating around as you did. Sebastian looked down at you after noticing you had been looking at him for a while." You're staring." You smiled as he turned to face you." Only because there's a lot to look at." He smirked as he held your waist, pinning you between him and the wall. Without much warning Sebastian pressed his lips to yours, making you sigh and quickly kiss him back. You prayed the elevator would hurry before either of you could wait any longer. You heard a ding and you both quickly untangled yourselves from each other.

Sebastian took your hand in his and you both walked out of the elevator and down the hall to Sebastian's apartment. The moment you were both inside of his apartment and had the door shut you were all over each other. Sebastian held you tight as your back was pressed to the wall next to the door. You groaned as his hands held the back of your thighs and picked you up to wrap your legs around his waist. He pulled back slightly only to start placing kisses all over your neck, your hands seeming to instantly go to his hair as he nipped at your sensitive skin.

You felt his hand grip the zipper of your dress and pull it down, making the top of your dress fall a little, giving Sebastian more skin to taste." Seb." You moaned as his mouth sucked red spots on your collarbone that would definitely need hidden the next morning. He groaned back after hearing you call his name, making him want nothing more then to have you right there, but he knew he needed to holdback and savor every second of this to long awaited night between the two of you.

Eventually Sebastian carried you down the hall to his room, your lips never leaving one another's as he entered his room. He set you down on the bed and quickly unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off as you tried to unzip the rest of your dress. Sebastian helped you slip your dress off after ridding himself of his pants and climbing over you, laying you back on the bed as his eyes met yours.

Your breathing quickened as the excitement of the moment caught up with you." Seb." You breathed out as his hand ran down your side, brushing past your skin ever so softly. Your eyes fluttered close as his lips ghosted over your own, his right hand running down further and securing a hold on your thigh. Your hands found their ways to his face as you held either side of it, keeping him close to you, not wanting him to leave you for a single moment.

His lips pressed to yours gently, a new atmosphere seeming to settle in the room by his action. It wasn't as hungry and needing as before, more like a kiss you would give as a goodbye, not in a moment like this. You slowly kissed him back, following his delicate lead. You felt him sigh against your mouth when your fingers intertwined with his hair, pulling on it slightly gaining more unholy sounds from the man against you.

His hand left your thigh momentarily in search of the clip on your back holding your bra in place. His lips wondered away from yours and down your neck to your exposed shoulder, sounds you didn't even mean to let go of fell from your lips at his action. You felt the tension around your chest fall as he unclipped your bra, pulling down the strap on your shoulder as his lips searched for more skin. Your hands fell from his face to his chest, running your fingertips over his hard muscles, them tensing under your touch.

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