2: The Teacher

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You woke up bright and early the next morning, hoping to get the best start to your day, but that soon failed when all three of your roommates woke up with the worst hangovers ever." Y/N! Keep it down." Jen yelled from her bedroom as you made breakfast." Get up! You're all going to be late for your classes." " Shut up!" Mindy yelled. You just shook your head and laughed. You got done with breakfast and were trying to get your roommates awake." Jennifer. Wake up." You said, hopping on her bed." I'm trying to sleep." She told you, rolling over and pulling up her blanket." Please, your going to miss your class." She groaned, not moving at all." If I get you an ibuprofen then will you get up?" She rolled over and looked at you, her eyes were squinted trying to let in as little light as possible." Only if you tell me about that guy you were with last night." You rolled your eyes but agreed, anything to get your lazy roommates out of bed. After you had successfully gotten Jen awake and the others out of bed you fulfilled her wish and told Jen about the adventure you had the night before. " So you just went on a walk?" Jen asked." Yeah, what did you want me to do?" "I don't know, something better then that." Mindy walked into the kitchen, her hair was everywhere and her once perfect makeup smeared across her face." Are you talking about Sebastian?" She asked." I am actually surprised you remembered his name." You told her." I wasn't that drunk." " I would beg to differ." You looked at your watch and saw that you only had ten minutes to get to your class." I need to go." You announce." Wait I'm not done asking questions." Jen said as you grabbed your book bag and headed for the door." The press conference is over, thank you for your time but now I must leave." You did a little bow before opening the door and walking out into the hall.

After a short walk you made it to your fist class which was art. You walked into the class and looked up at the large chalk board that had the dynamics of the human body on it, for art purposes, of cores." Welcome, and good morning." Your art teacher, Mr. Gavin told you kindly." Good morning." You answered. Mr. Gavin was in his mid forty's, from what you had learned about him was that he was an ex US Navy officer and he found his love for art while on tour in the oceans surrounding Hawaii. He was very good at it to, he loved art and after he retired from the Navy he found a job here, at your collage." Alright." He began as everyone took their seats. You quickly sat down in the closest available seat to you, which was in the second row back from the front." Today we are going to continue drawing and painting, if you prefer doing that, the human body and facial expirations." You took out your drawing pad and pencils. You brought your attention back to the front of the class as Mr. Gavin pointed at the board that had a picture of a man and women's muscle mass and skeletal form." When drawing or painting any thing, human, animal, or even an apple, you need to remember two very important things. Number One, there is more then just skin, or in sum cases, hair. You can't just look at a person, or animal, and just draw or paint there skin and the thing you see, you need to go deeper then that, you have to remember that they have muscles that move, and that there skin and hair moves in any why it wants. Number two. Every thing and everyone looks different, from eye shape to the way your teeth look, not one person is the same as the other." You listened with interest as he discussed how to draw realistic art pieces.

After what seemed like for ever the bell rang and you were very quick to leave the class, not that you didn't like art, you loved it, it was just that your next class was Drama. The whole reason you were going to collage in the first place was to become an actress. Art was just your net of protection if the acting thing fell through, you would have something to fall on. You waltzed into the room to see that the desk at the front of the room was now cleared off, confused you found an empty seat and sat down. As the class slowly filled with more people you saw your Drama teacher walk in. She greeted everyone with a smile." Good morning." She said." I know its kind of odd that my desk is cleared off and you probably noticed that my other things are gone. That is because I am retiring." You gasped at what she said. You loved her, she was one of the best Drama teachers you have ever had." Today I am proud to introduce your new Drama teacher and acting coach, Mr. Stan." You looked to the door as a young man walked in, his hair was dark brown and he was wearing a blue button up shirt with a dark blue tie. When he faced you and the rest of the class you almost passed out." It's him." You said under your breath. His smile practically lit up the room." Hello." He greeted everyone." Well, now that is over, I will leave you to it." He nodded and shook her hand before she walked out of the room. He turned back to everyone with the same smile plastered on his face." I know this was short notice, and most of you have no clue who I am so I will start from the beginning. Hello, my name is Sebastian Stan, But you can call me Mr. Stan." You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your chest. Could this really be the same guy you were with just a few hours ago?" So today we are started with Shakespeare." You smiled. You love Shakespeare and you really wished that more schools would incorporate him into there activities." I know what your thinking, Shakespeare, really? " He said with a sarcastic tone in his voice." But I promise, by the time we finish this semester you will be able to tell every one how I bored you to death by talking about Hamlet for an two hours strait." Every one laughed at his joke including you.

To say you were sad when the bell rang was a complete understatement, you didn't even realize that it had already been two hours. You, very much to your dismay, packed your things back into your bag. You stood up and walked down the stairs to the front of the class. There were multiple people already talking to Sebastian, or in your case right now, Mr. Stan. You wanted to talk to him but at the moment you weren't to ready to. Before you could walk out of the class you heard someone say your name. You turned around to see Mr. Stan walking over to you." I didn't expect to see you here." He told you with a warm smile." I could say the same thing about you." You said, smiling back at him." I didn't think when you said you went to a Collage here you meant this one." "This is the only Collage within two hours of here so I would have assumed you would've got that." He chuckled then smiled at you." Well I'm not that smart." He told you." I would beg to differ." You slowly backed out of the door never braking your gaze on him." You would now?" You chuckled before stopping." See you around, Mr. Stan." He flashed you one of those heart stopping smiles before you left the room. For the whole rest of the day you couldn't stop thinking about Sebastian. Even at lunch when everyone was either going out to eat or going back to their dorm to eat you couldn't get the image of his smile off of your mind.

You walked back to your dorm, hoping to get some rest before your next class. As you entered you saw that Jen was already there. She looked up from her books that were scattered across the living room and smiled." What?" You asked, setting your book bag down next to the couch." You saw him today didn't you?" You rolled your eyes playfully before sitting down on the couch." Maybe I did maybe I didn't." "Oh you totally did. Which class was he in?" You sighed before answering her." Drama, why?" She giggled and got up to sit next to you." And did you talk to him?" A light blush started to tint your cheeks as the thoughts of earlier that day came back to you." Well I couldn't really just go up and talk to him, Mr. Stan is very respected." Her jaw dropped as she looked on at you in utter shock." Mr. Stan, he's your Drama teacher?" You nodded slightly." Yep, he started to day." She was still unable to get the shocked expression off of her face as you told her more." I can't believe he is your Drama teacher." "I could barely breath when I saw him walk in. Gosh I probably looked like a wreck." Jen laughed at the way you went from super happy to regretting your life choices." You better have freaking got his number." You looked over at her, a regretful smile on your face." You didn't get his number?" You shook your head." I didn't, I couldn't today because of class and last night well, I had three drunk people to take care of." Jen frowned." If I hadn't been so drunk last night I would have totally got his number for you." You stood up and chuckled." Oh, I'm sure you would have."

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