Seconds later, three heads plopped above the surface. The boys covered whilst Amelia wiped some hair out of her face and spat out some water. They peered up and saw Janson, Jerry and the soldiers eying them sinisterly. The brothers pulled a pair of mocking faces at them which heated Jerry to the core. They swam to the pool ledge and climbed up. Amelia stammered a little so Edward helped her.

Suddenly they heard the cocking of guns. "Get down on the ground now!" a soldier in a squadron of four ordered. The trio froze. Just when they had escaped a noose, they were about to get another one. Edward slowly tried to reach for a back gun but he was spotted.

"Don't even think about it!" the soldier answered again. "Put your hands up!"

The three did nothing but hold their hands up.

"I'm sorry Tom," Edward felt like he had failed his brother.

"At least we'll be together," said Thomas with hope.

Just as the soldiers approached them with cuffs, one of them instantly turned his gun on them and electrocuted them in less than three seconds. The three became tense. The soldiers approached them and pulled off his mask.

"Jorge!" Edward rushed over and hugged his friend cheering for joy. "Thank goodness,"

"You're a tough man to kill Jorge," complimented Amelia.

Jorge chuckled and they grouped. "Glad to see you made it out Hermano," he said to Thomas. He eyed Edward eagerly. "Is Brenda..."

"She's safe," he promised. "With everyone else," he clasped his brother's shoulder. "Tom, Aris, and a few others went to the Crank Palace to get Newt and Minho and Gally to have all the serum WICKED harvested,"

Thomas blinked. "Gally's alive?"

"It's a long story," Amelia quickly explained. Noticing the tense muscles tightening under his neck, she spoke calmly, "When you see him, don't kill him. It wasn't his fault for what he did to Ed,"

"He helped us break inside to save you. And without him, Minho and the others wouldn't have been reunited with us," Edward answered. "He and I have sorted things out,"

Thomas still didn't say anything.

"We gotta go now guys," urged Jorge. "It's now or never," He led them over to a huge black WICKED car. They immediately boarded and Jorge activated the engine and drove them away from the building. Edward looked out and he saw Jerry shooting out through the front doors. He growled in rage seeing them escape and Edward smirked and waved adue to him.


Minho and Gally sneaked around the building searching for their friends, hoping that somehow they had managed to find a way. They couldn't risk being captured in the building with the alarm going off and so many soldiers scouting on every level. "Come on Lia," Minho kept praying. "Come on,"

"Duck!" Gally pushed him behind a column. They pepped around and they saw soldiers boarding jeeps and trucks; Jerry amongst them.

"Catch the brothers," he ordered menacingly. "They're heading towards the Crank Palace. And catch the bus of immunes. Kill any members of the Right Arm you see!"

Minho and Gally felt their hearts jump. They watched as the squadron of trucks drove at a fast pace onto the roads and into the city. Gally looked around and saw two soldiers near a car. "Bingo," Quickly he electrocuted the men and he instantly boarded the driver's seat with Minho in toe.

"Can you get this to drive?" Minho asked.

"Just give me a minute," Gally looked at the lever and the foot pedals.

The Maze Runner BrothersWhere stories live. Discover now