Chapter 27

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Aliah scoffed as she got out of the car slamming the door which caused some of them to look at her weirdly

Ty laughed as he walked behind her he didn't care about her attitude he was just letting her know the deal he wasn't gone be with her if in the end it ended in a heartbreak he'd rather be single

" you good bro " Levi asked ty quietly as they entered the store going to the chip isle

" yeah mane I'm just peeping a lot of shit going on " ty mumbled as he scanned the chips seeing which ones he wanted

Levi nodded his head he did peep Ocho & Aliah but he wasn't going to say anything it wasn't his business & plus Randi would get on his ass if he said anything

" you good cuh " Randi asked Aliah as she walked next to her as Aliah looked at all the different drinks

" yeah ty thinks that me & Ocho are going to end up doing something tonight basically " Aliah mumbled as she grabbed a water she honestly wasn't in the mood anymore

" yo " Ocho said approaching them Aliah rolled her eyes & Randi just walked away she wasn't about to be in the middle of that & she didn't need Levi thinking that Ocho was trying to talk to her she was happy where she was at

" I'm actually engaged " Aliah said holding up her hand letting his see her engagement ring

" damn my fault I just thought we was both on the same timing seeing that we both was locking eyes with each other " Ocho said in a deep voice

It did turn Aliah on but she fixed her self before she responded

" I probably was just day dreaming I'm sorry if you thought I was throwing hints or something you're a great looking dude it's just that I'm engaged sorry " Aliah said with a smile as Ocho nodded his head & walked away

Ty heard the conversation he wasn't going to address anything until they got in the car he wanted to hear what Aliah was going to tell

" so he look good to you " ty asked as they got in the car putting his bags of snacks in the backseat he would take them to the hotel room with him

" here we go " Aliah mumbled as she closed her door putting her bag on the ground

" I told him I was engaged what more do you want me to say " she asked him as she watched him scoff & shake his head before starting the car up & waiting for Jeremy to finish pumping his gas so he could leave

" but you apologized & told him he was good looking like you not happy to say you engaged to me I knew I was too young for this marriage shit another nigga come along & he look good you willing to cheat on me a nigga who gave you his all this shit so crazy " ty said as he focused on the road he was just ready to get back to the room right now he felt like spazzing out

" so what are you saying ? I told him I was engaged & plus I'm not even attracted to him " Aliah lied through her teeth with the second statement

" don't worry about it I knew I should've waited " ty mumbled as they pulled up to her folks place it was currently 8 & her cousins were talking about going to a club at 11 she was down she missed hanging with them

The only thing is she didn't tell ty

" the food is ready & kaleb them are here " ain't Pam said approaching them as they made their way to the back yard

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