Chapter 6

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" so no more you & ty " Randi asked as we sat down at the breakfast table

It had been a week since that night with me & ty we haven't spoke to each other since I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him just a little

" no " I sighed as I removed my bookbag off my back & sat it on the table in front of me

" wow that's crazy I really don't like that guy " Randi said mocking the tiktok sound

" shut up bitch " I said as I laughed looking up from the table & looking around the cafeteria locking eyes with kyla One of Ty's girlfriends she rolled her eyes at me & continued talking to her friends

" I don't know what I did to her " I mumbled as I played around with the grits on my tray she never liked me since the beginning of high school & I never said a word to her

The bell started ringing meaning it was time for 1st period causing me to groan standing up I officially hated that class I had it with ty & all his friends kyla included the good thing about it was I had it with Randi also

I grabbed my tray dumping it in the trash as Randi did the same As we made our way to 1st period

" god give me strength " I said to myself as I opened the door walking in holding it for Randi to come in behind me

" girl & you sit by him imma pray for you " Randi whispered to me as we took a seat in the back of the class

We were always the first ones to class you had to be early to get a seat in the back or else you'd be in the front I hated sitting in the front They picked on the kids who sat in the front

" Morning class " the teacher spoke as he stood up from his desk walking to the bored

" hope you guys enjoyed your weekend because this week we will be working " he said as more students entered the class

" Not today Mr. Levi " the teacher sighed as Levi , ty & the rest of the crew made their way into class 10 mins late as usual

" my fault " Levi said laughing as he took a seat in the row infront of me

I looked at ty as he made his way to the chair next to me I didn't realize I was staring at him until he mugged me which caused me to look down embarrassed that he caught me staring I was lucky he didn't embarrass me In front of the whole class

Ty sat down not even looking my way pulling his phone out & sitting down on his desk

" as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted " mr.Joseph said as He turned around looking at the board

" so you not gone speak to yo bitch " kyla turned around in her seat looking at ty

His bitch ? I thought to myself there was nothing goin on Between me & ty At least now

" Man that ain't my bitch I don't even know ha ass " ty said lowly to kyla

I can't lie & say that I wasn't kind of hurt But I understood I was leading him on while also texting Mo someone he didn't like

" oh cause my friend mariah said she saw y'all hugged up at the party so I thought she was Yo bitch but you just dissed her infront of her face couldn't be me " kyla said laughing while turning around to grab a pencil out of her bag

" I wasn't hugged up with no bitch especially ha " ty said not even looking up from his phone

I couldn't take it anymore I just decided to go to the restroom & take a breather I felt like my heart was about to fall out of my chest

" yes Aliah " mr.joseph said looking us from his computer

" may I use the restroom " I asked nicely hoping he would say yes

" sure go ahead " he said looking back at his computer typing

I silently slid out of my seat I could feel ty staring at me but I brushed it off

Making it into the restroom I looked in the mirror fixing my hair & pulling my jacket over my shoulders

" only 1 hour left in that class " I told myself as I washed my hands & made my way towards the exit

" why you acting like that " I heard from behind me as I was making my way down the hall

" shit you scared me " I said above a whisper as I held my chest looking at ty

" me ? Why am I acting like that you basically said you didn't know me & referred to me as a bitch " I told him while playing with the zipper on my jacket

When I'm nervous I always needed to keep my hands busy

" but a couple of days ago we were really cool I thought we were friends " I told him while making eye contact with him I was really hurt by his words He was a mean dude but whenever we spoke he was always soft with me I guess all of that was going to change all because of Mo

" here you go with this friend shit " he scoffed looking away from me

" I don't wanna be yo fucking friend I told you this already But you steady dragging me along as you entertain other niggas " ty said as he walked up closer to me causing my to back into the lockers

" I'm sorry " was all I could say as my breath hitched it's been a week since we've been in each other's presence I was getting shy all over Again

" I guess imma hit you up after school " ty said walking away leaving me there confused I just didn't wanna hop straight into something with him while he was still talking to multiple females & claiming that he didn't know me

" Damn what y'all was doing fucking " kyla said as all eyes went towards me & ty as we entered the class causing some people to snicker & other to give us a look of disgust

" bitch shut up I'm sick of you jealous ass hoe mind yo business " Randi said As she gave kyla a serious look meaning she meant every word

" nah facts " Levi said causing kyla to look at him funny

" girl what ever " kyla said turning around looking at me with a disgusted face


" he said he was going to text me later " I told Randi as I got in the car throwing my bookbag in the backseat as she did the same turning the car on & pulling out of the school's parking lot

Not proofread I will be editing once I finish updating some tonight .

I'm still trying to figure out where this story is heading ..

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