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And... here he was.

Prince Sarawat.

Tine wanted to scream and hide, somewhere far away. His eyes burned and so did his chest. His stomach was in flux. The stupidly handsome- uhm- ugly, prince was in front of him.

And blabbering something in his stupidly gorgeous- ugly, voice— voices can't be ugly, Tine— to him.

"...and it is such an honor that I get to finally meet you, Princess." Right. Tine smiled, somewhat convincingly, since the Prince smiled back very happily.

"Also, I'm extremely sorry that you still cannot talk. Not to worry however, because my personal doctor will be treating you from now on."

Tine's smile faltered.

"NO- nuhm- uh, not necessary, Prince Wat. We have very capable doctors here who can treat our Princess well." The Queen jumped, smiling as she declined.

The Prince's brows were furrowed, but he nodded in slight confusion anyway, knowing better than to start a battle of the wills with his future wife's mother. Aka his Mother-in-law.

"How about we have a tour of the Palace? We can discuss further over tea, which will be presented in the Royal Garden."

Tine looked away as the other Prince bowed in respect and walked along with his mother. His head started to hurt, reality sinking in as he remembered what his Aunt had told him the other evening in his Father's garden.


"So what'd you want to tell me?" Tine questioned, the tea getting cold in his cup. The woman continued walking, sighing a little, before starting, "

"Well, do you remember the little cabin you found when you were little?" The woman asked, her face contorting a little at the mention of it.

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, it was... demolished. Your father thought that your sister might come to live there, since it was used in a similar way in the pas-"

"What?" Tine had stopped walking, his aunt stopping a when she noticed.

"What, about the demolition or the fact that it was used in a similar way?" Tine felt like turning into a gothic teenager at the thickness of the woman's damn skin.

"Obviously I meant the similar way thing, because I can't do anything if it's already crushed to the groud."

"Ah, yes, of course. Men." She whispered the last part to herself, before starting, "So when prince Namart ran away, assuming you know the story, the kingdom was informed that he was killed by a mafia." She said, sipping her coffee after exhaling a little.

"While in reality, Princess Kanya knew where he lived with his.. lover. A wood cutter, named Aroon." Tine listened carefully. "It was that cottage. And well, they actually lived very peacefully until the wood cutter came out of the forest towards the castle."


"He returned the Royal family Prince Namart's body, the age fine on his skin." She whispered, tearing up, "and Aroon died in the castle's infirmary the same night."

Tine stayed quite, brows furrowing at the thought.

"And I have a question."

"Hmmm?" Tine hummed, drinking his tea. "Did you help Tu'a escape?" Tine sputtered his tea out.

"No! Why would you even think that?"


"Well... Kany-"

"She was out of her damn mind." The boy said way too loud, before excusing himself to the washroom.

His aunt just sighed.


"....nce? Prince?" The nurse was calling him.

"Please leave me alone." Tine whispered, looking through the reflection in the window until the nurse was gone. Why'd she even come in?

Now the other Prince was in the castle and it was definitely going to be an elaborate mindfuc-

"Hello, Prince."

Tine jumped in his place, turning to where the voice came from, before he froze in his place.

'...G- guard Ae?'

He felt tears in his eyes, and so damn unsafe.

What was HE doing here?

Tine whimpered, his body physically shrinking in itself, his trachea feeling blocked up, and before he knew-

Well, you know the drill. It went dark.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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