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Everything was fine on the dinner table, until the Queen seemed to remember something, keeping her fork down on her plate.

She exchanged a glance with her husband, who nodded, keeping his cutlery down as well. She started, "Tu, I have some news for you, and I think you'll be excited about it."

"Yeah, mom?" Tu asked in a muffled voice as she chewed a spoon full of rice. It was delicious. However, just as she picked another-

"You're engaged!"

All happiness drained out of her.

Tu could only stare at her mom with her spoon of rice still in her hand, ears ringing with the two most mortifying words she'd ever heard in her entire life. Her mouth slightly hung, eyes almost stinging up with tears, but she smiled.

She was a Princess, her faking was promising.

"That's great, mom." Tu looked at Tine, her brother who had stopped eating at his mother's words, as well. Tine kept his spoon down, his face devoid of any emotion, but he avoided having his gaze collide with either of his parents.

"Who will I- who am I engaged to?"

"The prince of Phuket, Prince Sarawat, and you will finally become queen." The Queen stated, before stabbing a broccoli with her fork and putting the vegetable in her mouth, chewing with a satisfied smile.

"I'm excited... to be the Queen of Phuket, mother."

The dinner table stayed silent for the rest of the meal, comfortable for two, uncomfortable for one, the silence too loud to think for the other.


"I DON'T WANNA GET MARRIED!" Tine cringed at his sister's volume, the shout echoing in the vast, soundproof room. The moon light shone through the French windows and fell on the devastated girl as she paced around her room.

"I know you don't, Tu, but you hav-"

"I'm escaping."


The room stayed silent for about the next five minutes, before Tine opened his mouth to say something, but sighed instead, playing with one of the rings on his ring clad finger to release some of the thick fog of tension.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this, I have to escape, it's just-"

"You already like Lily, and you both agreed to marry after the... well, eventful night." Tine shrugged, before smiling, and to Tu, that smile was everything.

But now her brother knew, and she knew her brother knew that she knew.

The room stayed silent again.

"So, how're you making an escape?" Tine asked, getting off the fluffy bed. Tu laughed out a sigh as she hurried to her table to get the blueprints of the castle, forgetting how her brother knew about her intimate life.

"So, mom once told me about this route. It was built in to escape the castle in case the enemy gained access in here. It's hidden under plain sight, in the infirmary." Tu pointed at a small patch. The blue print was the first blueprint to be ever made of the castle, hence why it had a patch.

"Under the last bed?" Tine squinted to look at the other patch, aka., where the exit was supposed to be.

"Yeah, it's a straight drop to the back of the castle, and so, then I can take off in the direction of the woods." Tu smiled, already imagining her married life with the other Princess.

"So, it goes up to the back of the castle, underground, and then you take stairs to the other side of the wall, correct?" Tine asked, spotting the other patch after the wall.

"Oh, yeah"

"You have to go tonight, 'cuz whoever that moron Prince is, he's taking off tomorrow from Phuket to come here. By sea." Tine snorted, rolling his eyes, already imagining the Prince to look ugly.

Should have been named Eel. After that ugly fish. He should have several flaws, suck in life, and he probably just became a prince because he was the son of the ruler, since that was the rule.

Tine smirked, checking himself on Tu's mirror. He didn't seem to have realized that Tu wasn't with him for a short amount of time, until he saw Tu behind him, looking absolutely badass.

"I'm ready."

Tine stared at Tu, who was already wearing some sort of spygear, but they were just black pants, a tight black turtle neck shirt, a mask and she had a katana on.

His sister was so cool.

After him, of course.

"I thought girls take thousand hours on end to dress up?" Tine chuckled, before unexpectedly tearing up. He hugged Tu, before giving a kiss to her forehead, "I love you, okay? Always remember that."

"I love you too." She waited, as if in thought, "Big brudah-"

"Shut up."

Both the siblings started walking up to the West Wing, down the big hallway, and to the infirmary. Tine kept a watch on the door, while Tu ducked to opened a big man sized hole.

"How does that not look dirty?-" Tu asked, putting on her mask, before gripping onto the smooth edge and dangling herself in. Tine checked twice before he came towards the hole, and smiled at his sister.

"I'll miss you, please come back fast, okay?" Tu nodded, before leaving the grip she had on the edge, spiraling down the tube-looking escape system.

She was free.

He was in for a ride.


Queen [Sarawat×Tine]Where stories live. Discover now