You promised that you would let go

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Summary: You went missing and are getting searched for, what happens when Farah takes it in her own Hands to find you and 8 Students to find you?
A knock sounded from the Door as the Headmistress immediately shot up and quickly walked over to the Door before opening it. She had been anxious all Day waiting for someone to knock and tell her that they had found you. That you had finally returned and were safe.

"Have you found her?" She immediately asked but Saul only shook his Head. "No but we got a Trail so I guess the Chances got higher to find her, so only Time can tell" Farah clenched her Fists while she looked out the Window.

"We are doing everything we can, everyone is trying their hardest, we just need Time" Saul reassured her. "I know but she's been missing for nearly a Week now, she can't just disappear! She may be dying right now! She is probably injured and hoping for us to finally find her, we don't have Time!" She sighed in Frustration.

"Did the Solarians say anything? Did they found something?" He shook his Head again signaling a No. "Not even Magic showed us anything as if she was never there but we did find this though, maybe you recognize it?" He laid a Ring on her Desk as she quickly picked it up to examine it.

She gasped and held a Hand to her Mouth not believing her Eyes and looking at her Hand where the exact same Ring was. "That's our Engagement Ring..." she whispered and had to suppress a Sob wich threatened to come out. "She needs us Saul! We have go to find her as soon as possible" she sat down on a Chair.

"We won't stop until we find her, I promise you that" Saul took her in his Arms as she begann to cry out. "She will be back soon, there's no way she won't survive, she's strong just like you" he rubbed her Back to give her some Comfort even though he knew it wouldn't help her.


-6 Days prior-

"You know it's dangerous, they have been spotted more and more recently" Farah told me as we were cuddled up in our shared Bed. "Don't worry, I will just investigate, I will bring a few Specialists with me to be even more safe, you know what I am capable of" I reassured her as she sighed.

"I still don't like the Idea of it, it doesn't feel right at all, what if you don't return? What if you die while...while you're out there! I can't lose you because of your Curiosity?" She was afraid for me, scared to lose me and she openly shared it with me. "I will return, just for you and we both know that the Queen would have wanted me sooner or later to investigate it anyways" I kissed the tip of her Nose. "If I do go missing I will leave you something to follow my Tracks, we will always find each other"

She smiled at me and hugged me closer. "I can try to change the Mind of Queen Luna, convince her not to send you or give you extra People to take with you or-" I squeezed her Hands, making her halt a Moment. "It is alright, don't worry, I am strong and can defend myself, like the other Specialists with me, what could happen?" I kissed her on the Lips.

"What if you die though? I won't ever be able to forgive myself, I wouldn't be able to live without you" I laughed at that. "It takes more than a Burned One to kill me and if I am ever near Death, let me go" I looked into her Eyes wich were overcome with Pain. "I could never do that and you know that, I would do anything to safe you" she whispered.

"Please promise me that you will let go, that you won't put yourself in Danger" I pleaded as she pondered, biting her Lip as she was unsure.

One-shot  | Farah DowlingWhere stories live. Discover now