chapter 15 The visitor

Start from the beginning

"Then about 15 minutes later cron was finally found although it was a form of surrender coming from his father and his siblings wondering where he was. The three siblings giggled and laughed all had fun playing the game that they were playing after that they played several other games such as tag truth or dare and several other things to have fun and pass the time"

"As his mind wandered to the crevices of his mind a small grin appeared on his face reminiscing on all the good memories, but this is that smile was there it quickly faded away now getting to the part where him and his siblings were trapped inside their own home for decades they presumed. And he remembered the tragic Truth of all of them getting separated not being able to find each other for years even after they all escaped it took them several years to find each other. Through that time he never felt more alone the only one that truly kept them stable was" pails she was there for me all that time whenever I felt left out missing she came to my aid made me feel whole.

"He had a warm smile on his face knowing that she'll probably be here for a long time. His mom started to drift off again thinking about their future together how much fun they could have exploring the land of several different kingdoms all the possibilities I can happen he smiled knowing that nothing was going to take her away. All of this started to make him remember how he met her his mind began to drift"

(Flash back)

Hey pails how have you been doing lately I know things can get rough around your dad and I hope this doesn't affect our friendship in any way'kind of nervous that this somehow would affected in the end he didn't want to lose her again during this period he just lost his brothers"

Oh I promise I'll be by your side forever if it maybe I just want to help you feel better"she said with glethal eyes this made him smile with the first time he actually smelled in a long time in the back of his head you know it wouldn't take forever he just hoped that they would stay friends"

Yeah let's just hope that can you make a promise to me and I really mean this when I say it but can we stay friends like not split up it may remind me too much of my you know my brothers and I don't feel like losing anyone else"he said with a heavy tone in his voice he truly meant what he was saying he didn't want to lose anyone else the impact from the last time was too strong for him made him sad think thoughts that he didn't want to think"

Of course we'll stay friends!. If there's anything I can do is stay your friend be there for you I'm not going to just say goodbye unless there's a perfectly great reason for it but you're just kind I wouldn't do that to you I know how much you've lost and I know it can be a heavy burden"she said with enthusiasm in her voice confident in her answer she wanted to help him get over his trauma she wanted to help him all she could for the past she can't fix but the future she can help"

Thank you so much I really mean that those words alone mean a lot to me it reassures that I'm not completely alone"he turns to her with a smile on his face genuine in all his words knowing that he had a friend to back him up a friend that will try to help him the best she could not just try and fail but genuine words"

"Both of them shared a good moment there both were happy suffice to know that none would betray the other both knowing that they will have each other's back in any trying times no matter how dark, their teenage minds not knowing what held for them in the future but no matter how dark it may seem it would get better"

"The flashback ended despite the pain and memories that he had he was sufficed to know that he had a friend that was now someone even greater to him that he held to his heart he got up and said to himself"maybe picture waiting long enough she deserves to know the rest of the truth my story and a lot of other stories and the thing I want to give to her"in his pocket he held a ring he was planning to give it to her tonight for poster they knew each other for a long time so might as well be the best who knew how long they had left to live being the current circumstances that they were going through"

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