chapter 15 The visitor

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"Narrator's pov"

Disclaimer this chapter will be a little bit more on the sad side so sorry)

"When the blinding light subsided ghost was the shade lord and scarlet she was a nightmare queen. In fact everyone in the room has there god forms unlocked or reopened the path to their godhood the power flowing through their veins were immense even ghosts felt his God power essentially double it felt amazing"

"Cron and pails looks completely different Palace had four arms now while having the look of shade Lord but way more feminine and had the top horns shapes like pilkey, cron was also different he had changed still had two arms but the crystals growing out of his shoulders spine chest and kneecaps had became red and had grown a bit they didn't hurt as much"

"Along with everyone else in the room it all look different they were all stronger strong enough to take on the threat that lead ahead but yet everyone felt tired besides pails and cron"

You know this feels amazing but I don't know why I feel so drained right now we'll attack it tomorrow me Scarlett and everyone else will be getting a little bit of rest heal up so don't worry I promise we will defeat him tomorrow everyone just rest up."was that everyone left the room besides two people pails and cron"

well I guess it's just us two left I don't really know what to do but being around you makes me so much better feel better too, so maybe you and I can go over to my room and have a little bit of fun if you know what I mean"pails said wth a mischievous grin on her face making it clear what she wanted"

Not right now I need to think about some stuff but I'll be with you later I promise and we will do it"cron said while smiling back at her with a kind of grin a soft one he never lied never turned his back on anyone when he made a promise he kept it but something was different today maybe it was the new found power or the suddenness of his brothers change who could have known that's a night was going to be a night of pain and sadness"

I promise we will do it later okay just stay put try getting used to your God form I'll be back in a bit"he leaves the room and starts heading to the destroyed courtyard pulling a lever to a wall or a secret entrance to a garden was it was full of delicate flowers of course you couldn't get too close being that if he did he would be trapped in it"

"But yeah regardless of this fact he still picked it up held it by its stem and examined it his mind started to wander and think about his life but crystals embedded inside of them rolling from him the pain he's in but the love that he receives. It was heartwarming loving caring it helped him and protected him kept him going even in the darkest times of his life."
(Flashback to child hood)

Hey guys let's play a game hide and seek well hide from dad!"kid void said to his three brothers currently there sisters where not there with them in this particular place and time"let's go hide come one!"he ran away now finding a place to hide finding a hole in the wall and going in it claiming it as his hiding spot. Cron was looking for a place now heading his father counting he hides in a black crystal room his crystals blending in with his surroundings. Then came decon he used a hook he made as a tool to hook on the ceiling as he sat down on a wood beem of the roof the last sibling know as sentin was hiding in a dark corner he was part mantis so he clung to the wall making his black cloak blend in"

"The game went on for what felt like hours the first one out was surprisingly decon being of his father's awareness he looked up and saw him the next one out was void, though in the walls itself his father heard him make a very quiet laugh and then he was found

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