Don't look at how calm he is now, but he's actually panicking.

    At this time, the door in the seafood shop made a "click" sound, and the zombie group of four immediately looked up in the direction of the door.

    As soon as Xie Qinyin came out of any door, she was stared at by four pairs of eyes, and was really startled.

    She calmed down and asked in surprise, "Why are you waiting here?"

    "Woo..." Xiao Lan whimpered, plunged her head into Xie Qinyin's arms, held her pitifully, and said unskillfully, "The shopkeeper , you, come back, outside, there are many, zombies..." The

    other three zombies were not as happy as Xiao Lan, and they slowly approached Xie Qinyin's side.

    Seeing that they seemed to be frightened, Xie Qinyin immediately walked to the door. She opened the door and saw a large area of ​​zombies outside, including several high-level zombies.

    No wonder Xiaofang and the others were frightened, the high-level zombies had a level suppression on the low-level zombies.

    Fortunately, the system is very reliable. Even if she is not in the store, the zombies still abide by the rules of the system and do not rush into the seafood store. Xiaofang and the others are just a little frightened by hiding in the seafood store.

    Xie Qinyin breathed a sigh of relief, but as a clerk in a seafood restaurant, she couldn't be frightened by the guests.

    Xie Qinyin looked at Xiaofang and the others, and said, "You are the clerks of the seafood shop, so don't be afraid of zombies outside."

    After Xie Qinyin came back, Xiaofang and the others seemed to have found the backbone. When she said that, the four of them were suddenly at a loss.

    They stood there blankly, looking at Xie Qinyin with no reaction.

    Xie Qinyin didn't care what they were thinking, and continued: "All zombies who enter the seafood shop must abide by the rules, and must not provoke trouble or fight, if they violate the rules of the seafood shop, they will be blacklisted, and they will not be allowed to step into seafood in the future. Shop one step."

    Xie Qinyin told them the rules of the seafood shop one by one.

    Knowing that the zombies won't make trouble in the seafood shop, they don't have to be afraid of high-level zombies, and the eyes of the four suddenly light up.

    "Innkeeper, in the future, don't we need to be afraid, the others are zombies?"


    "In the future, let's make trouble, yes, just pull it out and blacklist!"

    Seeing their smiles, Xie Qinyin also laughed. , she said softly: "So you don't have to be afraid at all. After all, I'm very protective of your shortcomings. If there are other zombies bullying you in the store, you must tell me as soon as possible!"



    Xie Qinyin opened the store The time is set for seven in the morning, and there are still two hours before the store opens.

    Xie Qinyin took Xiaolan and Xiaomeng into the kitchen, while Xiaofang and Xiaogou stayed outside, cleaning the inside and outside of the shop.

    Xie Qinyin entered the seafood restaurant's menu into the system. Since it is a seafood restaurant, the menu is naturally different from that of a small restaurant. Most of the menus are related to seafood.

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