guests bowed their heads in disappointment.

    A zombie seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked at Xie Qinyin and said, "The owner, if you have enough ingredients, can you make braised lion heads in the future?

    " Before or after the end of the world, braised lion head and all kinds of meat are his favorites.

    Now the menu of small restaurants is mostly chicken and fish, and there is almost no meat.

    Probably not enough food.

    If so, he can find the ingredients first, and then let the owner make the braised lion head.

    Xie Qinyin didn't expect him to ask such a question, she was stunned for a while, then nodded and said, "If there are enough ingredients, the small restaurant will serve various dishes in the future."

    "We know, the owner can rest assured.

    " Xie Qinyin was a little puzzled.

    Fortunately, the guests stopped arguing for her to put on the braised lion head.

    Xie Qinyin breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go back to the kitchen when he saw three figures appearing at the door of the small restaurant.

    Those who came before.

    Xie Qinyin called Brother Corpse over and pointed to the outside: "There are three human beings outside, please watch, don't let them fight with zombies."


    "Is this the Happy Inn?" Xiao Xuewei couldn't believe it. Look at the small restaurant full of fireworks in front of you.

    Ever since she ate the food that Mu Shuai and Song Jie brought back last night, she hadn't slept almost all night, and she kept thinking about it in her mind.

    When they woke up in the morning, they looked at each other's dark circles and immediately decided to go to City A.

    Mu Shuai and Song Jie had already been to the small restaurant once, and they were familiar with each other.

    Xiao Xuewei followed behind them.

    Since entering City A, the cognition established after the end of the world has begun to collapse.

    The zombies in City A really don't bite, and when they pass by, they don't even look at them.

    After finally finding the small restaurant, Xiao Xuewei saw a long queue outside the small restaurant and was very worried that they would not be able to eat today.

    "There are so many zombies, I don't know when they will be lined up."

    "No way, who told us to live far away, it would take several hours to come from the base."

    "I really want to live in City A and not go back.

    " The zombies glared at them when they heard this.

    It's just a matter of robbing zombies, these few people are tired and come to snatch them.

    Small restaurants are becoming more and more popular, and there are fewer opportunities to eat delicious food in the future.

    Mourinho was startled by the zombie's eyes, "Why, why are you looking at us like this!" The

    zombie mocked: "The human base can't afford to support you, so you went to City A to eat."

    Mu Shuai was not convinced: "What nonsense are you talking about, the innkeeper agreed to our visit!"

    After realizing that the zombies would not bite them, Xiao Xuewei became a lot more daring, and she glared back at the zombies: "The innkeeper said, the small restaurant welcomes all guests, How dare you, a zombie!" The

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